Brethren Archive

American Darby Letterbook - Page: 38


thaw goes. But my visit to Guelph is all right at any rate. There are 42 in communion here, several lately added. I was glad to have the work at Toronto & Hamilton for a time for it to settle & take its bearings a little without me as it is of growing interest. I have had meetings at houses where no one would have dreamed of it. The work is not so much adding, though souls have been added to the gatherings, as the real penetrating of the truth into souls around. This work is all, I may say, new, both as to the clearness as to the gospel, the question of the church, the lord’s coming; at Hamilton the Kirk minister has preached it, I fear, too soon, but a number of souls are learning & feeding on the truth, & I trust the Brethren established & taught in it themselves. I know not how far I shall reach in the States, but more than one door is open, but what a field & of a character so difficult. Even in  this country looseness & worldliness reign with attachments to the importance of a cause one had embraced, bigotry to a party & indifference to the truth; but somee souls seeking after more reality. Brethren’s books are largely sold. At Montreal there seems to be a growing firmness & establishment of the meeting & several have been added. Though I spent a week there I purposely waited for it to take its own natural course, i.e., God to form it, not man; & the Lord, I think, has put His seal on my path. It would have been had I been there to homologate

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