Brethren Archive

Whitefield's Mount

Blackheath and surrounding areas

All Saints church on the heath is visible on the right hand side.
No 37.
How it used to look.


George Whitefield used to preach here in the open-air to crowds of upto 20,000. It was said their singing could be heard 2 miles off, and his voice 1 mile! After hs death, one of his friends planted it with fir trees. It is still named after Whitefield today, even on hte official boards.

Wednesdy May 16th, 1739, Journal of Charles Wesley: "I attended G. Whitefield to Blackheath. He preached the rain to many listening sinners. At Fetter-lane a arose about lay-preaching. Many, particularly Bray and Fish, were very zealous for it. Mr. Whitefield and I declared against it."

John Wesley's first field-preaching in London was here in June 1739.

Lance said ...
Not a good forum to advertise Viagra!?
Saturday, Apr 21, 2018 : 03:48
Tom said ...
Sorry for the few spam comments that have invaded the website the last week, as I haven't had so much time to look after it - these are done by robots which trawl the internet looking for comment boxes like these ones - the Google captcha system (ie the tick boxes, which you wont see if you are logged in) is meant to stop these working, though every now and then the robots will get the better of it, before Google update the system, which seems to have been the case recently.
Saturday, Apr 21, 2018 : 04:04
Lance said ...
Ok, understood Tom!
We all know that it is a problem
'The iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full'
Saturday, Apr 21, 2018 : 05:40

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