Brethren Archive

Russell Elliott

Born: 21st September 1861
Died: 18th November 1950

Birth Location
Luton, Bedfordshire

Intro, Biographical Information, Notes etc:

Address at time of death ~ 87 Sedbergh Road, Kendal, England

tai said ...

Thank you very much for all the excellent material found on this site, I can not tell which part is my favorite because everything is great, but having read what's on the site, especially the brochure about the "Trinity", I would like to know more this author, if he is an ex-exclusive, but has not been in the "Open Brethren", my question is, he has remained fundamentally sound in the faith? he ended his life as an independent without associating anyone?

It would be great also if any of these booklets :

_Some plain words to Brethren
_The spiritual revival of the nineteenth century and our relation to it to-day
_What is the real fellowship of the church of God?

could be uploaded to the site for some brother, as the theme of communion is always one of great importance, and it is my special interest also everything that has to do with the history of the Brethren.

The grace of the Lord be with you, dear brother in this service
Monday, Apr 4, 2016 : 19:35
Tom said ...
Hi Tai, Thanks for your comment, I don't know much about R.E. apart from the brief notes on "The Truth as to the Trinity" page, but yes he was an ex-Taylor brother who came among the OBs. I haven't got the other pamphlets mentioned, I see at least some of them are in CBA, but if they turn up I would certainly add them to the site.
best, Tom
Wednesday, Apr 6, 2016 : 17:15
Marty said ...

Russell Elliott married Ellen Charlotte Tripp (April 1864-23rd March 1927) in October 1888 with whom he had 6 children.  Secondly, he married Theodora Muriel Wilson on 9th July 1943 at Tunbridge Wells. She was born on 27th Sept. 1892 ~ 22nd Jan. 1970 and was the Great Grand Daughter of Anthony Norris Groves and the only child of Theodore & Mary Bernia (Groves). Her papers are in Box 21 at the University of Manchester. Russell's parents were George & Susan Kentish (Willis).

Thursday, May 2, 2019 : 09:41
Timothy Stunt said ...
Many thanks to Marty for the useful details of the ancestry of Theodora Muriel Elliott [née Wilson]. One suggestion: According to the family tree in Rob Dann's biography of ANG Muriel's mother's names were Mary 'Bethia' which were the names of Muriel's great grandmother, the first wife of Norris Groves. Her maternal grandfather was ANG's second son Frank who married Harriet Reeve. I'm sure Tom's genealogical dexterity can cope with all this! Timothy Stunt
Friday, May 3, 2019 : 01:30

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