Brethren Archive

Travers William Bayly

Born: 11th October 1852
Died: 28th May 1935

Death Location
General Hospital Moorenstraße, Düsseldorf, Germany
Birth Location
Calne, Wiltshire, England

Intro, Biographical Information, Notes etc:

The following is translated from Carl Brockhaus: ein Leben für Gott und die Brüder, by Rolf-Edgar Gerlach, R. Brockhaus Verlag, 1994, p. 110:

From 1885, the Brethren Movement in Saxony received a distinguished representative in the Englishman Travers William Bayly (1853–1935), who walked for hours in the undeveloped area to attend the assemblies. He had a decisive influence on the planting of assemblies and handled the teaching of the Brethren very generously. He was ready to celebrate the Lord’s Supper with every national and free church Christian. In 1887, for example, “120 Church Christians were ready … to come together and break bread.”

Footnote on p. 110: After all, Bayly addressed the audience on the occasion of Rudolf Brockhaus’ interment on 23rd September 1932. The address is printed in Die Brüderbewegung in Deutschland, Vol 2, by Gerhard Jordy, p. 203–4.

Tom said ...

From National Probate Calender;

Monday, May 28, 2018 : 04:49

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