Books and Pamphlets
Arranged first by author, then other sections after ...
By Author
Conference Notes
Other Collections
Book Series
Tract Series
Children's Books
- Human Destiny (1895, 249 pp) 1
- A Doubter's Doubts about Science and Religion, or, in Defence: A Plea for the Faith (1924, 201 pp)
- The Gospel and its Ministry (1886, 216 pp)
- The Bible and Modern Criticism (1905, 312 pp)
- The Buddha of Christendom (1899, 352 pp) 1
- Daniel in the Critics' Den (1885, 183 pp)
- The Gospel and Its Ministry (1876, 169 pp)
- The Way: Chapters on the Christian Life (1905, 190 pp)
- Pseudo-criticism, Or, The Higher Criticism and Its Counterfeit (1904, 143 pp)
- Unfulfilled Prophecy and the Hope of the Church (1923, 122 pp)
- A Doubter's Doubts about Science and Religion, Or, In Defence: a Plea for the Faith (1924, 201 pp)
- The Lord from Heaven (169 pp)
- The Silence of God (1897, 217 pp)
- Spirit Manifestations and "The Gift of Tongues" (32 pp) 1
- Redemption Truths (191 pp)
- The Life of Sir Robert Anderson by Sir Robert Anderson (1947, 192 pp)
- Types in Hebrews (191 pp)
- Christianized Rationalism And The Higher Criticism (1903, 106 pp)
- Forgotten Truths (1913, 176 pp) 1
- The Coming Prince: The Last Great Monarch of Christendom (1881, 254 pp) 1
- The Bible or the Church? (286 pp) 0
- The Unction from the Holy One (1850, 28 pp)
- On Christian Experience (10 pp)
- A Short Meditation on the Moral Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ (1865, 95 pp)
- The Son of God (1869, 161 pp) 14
- On the Gospel by St. Luke (1848, 177 pp)
- On the Gospel by St. John (1865, 187 pp)
- Short Meditations on the Psalms, Chiefly in their Prophetic Character (1876, 209 pp)
- Belshazzar's Feast in its Application to the Great Exhibition (1851, 26 pp)
- An Introduction to the Canticles (1848, 59 pp)
- Heaven and Earth (1848, 47 pp) 0
- The Apostleship of St. Paul (30 pp) 5
- A Letter on the Person and Deity of the Holy Ghost (15 pp)
- The Heir of All Things (10 pp)
- Miscellaneous Papers (103 pp)
- Short Meditations On Elisha (American Edition) (1907, 84 pp)
- The Evangelists: Being Meditations Upon The Four Gospels (496 pp) 2
- The Minor Prophets (1870, 122 pp)
- Thoughts on the Lord's Supper (10 pp) 1
- Notes from Meditations on Luke (1866, 131 pp)
- The Opened Heavens, Musings on the Epistle to the Hebrews (Christian Book Room) (96 pp) 0
- Brief Notes on the Epistle to the Ephesians | The Church at Thessalonica (96 pp)
- The Patriarchs: Being Meditations upon Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job; The Canticles, Heaven and Earth (436 pp)
- Short Meditations Etc. (1866, 302 pp)
- Recollections of The Late J. G. Bellett. By His Daughter. With Sequel: "The Memory of a Dearly Loved and Only Son." by L.M. Bellett & J.G. Bellett (1895, 200 pp)
- An inquiry into the Scriptural Doctrine of Christian Ministry (1840, 63 pp) 1
- An Examination of the Scriptures on the Subject of Ministry (1883, 105 pp)
- Analysis, by a Student of Prophecy, of “Thoughts on the Apocalypse,” by B. W. Newton, of Plymouth (1845, 53 pp)
- A Serious Address to Christians on the Consecration of an Edifice called a Church (circa 1860, 29 pp) 0
- The Darwinian Theory of the Transmutation of Species (1867, 408 pp)
- The Tower of Babel (1833, 21 pp) 2
- The Wrongs of the Caffre Nation. A Narrative (1837, 365 pp)
- A Letter to ... the Archbishop of York, on the Present Corrupt State of the Church of England (1831, 39 pp)
- Christ Victorious. A Sermon, Preached at the Independent Chapel, Scarborough, to Commemorate the Extinction of British Colonial Slavery (1834, 35 pp)
- The Tombs of the Prophets. A Lay Sermon on the Corruptions of the Church of Christ (1831, 35 pp)
- Letters on the Present State of the Visible Church of Christ, Addressed to John Angel James (1836, 269 pp)
- Spiritual Worship. A Lay Discourse (1866, 157 pp)
- Third Report of the Means Employed by Several Christian Churches to Lead Sinners to Jesus Christ and Promote Christian Union (1842)
- A Hired Ministry Unscriptual (1836, 25 pp) 0
- Mormonism Exposed (1854, 89 pp)
- Temperance as it is opposed to Strong Drinks, Tobacco, and Snuff, Tea and Coffee (1836, 13 pp) 1
- Scriptural Reasons for Giving up the Sprinkling of Infants, and Adopting the Immersion of Believers, as the Only Christian Baptism (1839, 17 pp)
- Second Report of the Means Employed by the Christian Church Assembling in Hill-Street Room, Toxteth Park, and in the Preaching Room, Gt. Crosshall-Street, for Leading Sinners to Christ (1841, 24 pp) 1
- Fourth Report of the Means Employed by Several Christian Churches for the Conversion of Sinners and the Union of Christians (1843, 13 pp) 1
- Sixth Report of the Means Employed by Several Churches of Christ to Make Known the Gospel, and Bring Back the Church to Union and Peace (1845, 13 pp)
- Seventh Report of the Means Employed by Several Churches of Christ to Make Known the Gospel, and Bring Back the Church to Union and Peace (1846, 13 pp)
- The Right Use of Money, Scripturally Stated, or, An Answer to the Question, "Ought Christians to Save Money?" (1833, 28 pp)
- The "Social Beasts", or, An Exposure of the Principles of Robert Owen, Esq. and the Socialists (1840, 16 pp)
- The Autobiography or History of the Life of John Bowes (1872, 601 pp) 3
Mary Bowley (Mrs Peters) (Universal History on Scriptural Principles Chiefly Designed for the Young. 1st Edition)
Mary Bowley (Mrs Peters) (Universal History on Scriptural Principles Chiefly Designed for the Young. 2nd Edition)
- Volume 1 - From the Creation to the death of Constantine, B.C.4004-A.D.337 (1844, 533 pp) 4
- Volume 2 - From the death of Constantine to the death of Charlemagne. A.D. 337 — A.D. 814 (1845, 449 pp)
- Volume 3 - The Middle Ages: from the Death of Charlemagne to the Death of Richard I, A.D.814-A.D.1199 (1848, 465 pp) 0
- Volume 4 - The Middle Ages: from the Death of Richard I to the Death of Richard II, A.D.1199-A.D.1400 (1849, 535 pp)
- Volume 5 - The Fifteenth Century, and the Dawn of the Reformation, A.D.1400-A.D.1513 (1850, 535 pp) 1
- Volume 6 - The Reformation To The Death Of George II. (circa 1850, 539 pp)
- Volume 7 - From The Accession Of George III To The Accession Of Queen Victoria (circa 1850, 545 pp)
- A Sermon on Revelation XIV. 13. Tending to show the absurdity and impiety of the promiscuous use of the Church Burial Service. (1849, 69 pp) 1
- The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, According to the Vatican Text, Translated Into English - Volume 1 (1844, 537 pp) 0
- The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, According to the Vatican Text, Translated Into English - Volume 2 (1844, 441 pp) 2
- Gospel Sabbath-Keeping (1855, 20 pp) 1
- Thoughts on Self-Examination ... In the Form of a Letter to a Friend (1862, 19 pp)
- A Few Plain Words on the Day of Judgment (1859, 12 pp)
- The Prism, a Parable (33 pp)
- Diaconia: or Thoughts on Ministry. Compiled from the writings of Godly Men (1852, 113 pp)
- Alas, My Brother! I Kings, xiii, 30. A Letter to the Friends of Harry George Chester ... who fell at the Battle of the Alma, etc (1854, 65 pp)
- Fragment of a Letter to a Friend on the Sermon on the Mount (4 pp)
- Did Jesus Rise? (137 pp)
- God Spake All These Words (159 pp)
- "Til He Come." (1891, 159 pp)
- Life Through the Living One (1880, 92 pp)
- Salvation: The Way Made Plain (1884, 189 pp)
- Chaff and Wheat - A Defense of Verbal Inspiration (1891, 49 pp)
- Maranatha: Or The Lord Cometh (1878, 547 pp)
- Bible Reading on the Second Coming of Christ (1876, 98 pp)
- "I Am Coming." A Setting Forth of the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ as Personal, Private and Premillenial (174 pp) 1
- James H. Brookes: A Memoir by David Riddle Williams (1897, 299 pp)
- Is the Bible Inspired? (129 pp)
- An Outline of the Books of the Bible (180 pp)
- Is the Bible True?: Seven Addresses (1877, 240 pp)
- Present Truth: Being the Testimony of the Holy Ghost on the Second Coming of the Lord, the Divinity of Christ. And the Personality of the Holy Ghost (1877, 240 pp)
- May Christians Dance? (1869, 147 pp)
- The Way Made Plain - An Ancient Classic Revised and Adapted for Modern Use (109 pp)
- The Resurrection of Christ (1896, 171 pp)
- Israel and the Church (200 pp)
- How to be Saved; Or, The Sinner Directed to the Saviour (1873, 129 pp)
- The Epistle to the Ephesians (1961, 144 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 5
- The Epistle to the Hebrews (1964, 512 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 3
- The Deity of Christ (1964, 27 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- The Letters of Paul; An Expanded Paraphrase (1965, 322 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- The English Bible, A History of Translations (1961, 256 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 1
- The Age of Ages (24 pp) 0
- Relationship with the Father, and Some of its Privileges (23 pp)
- The Blessing of Moses, The Man of God (37 pp)
- "Unto David:" (6th Oct 1910, 16 pp)
- Christ for Me (15 pp)
- Joseph, Typical of Christ (78 pp)
- The Coming and Reign of our Lord Jesus Christ (127 pp) 1
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ (1914, 278 pp)
- The Work and Presence of the Holy Spirit (63 pp)
- The Present Trend (15 pp) 0
- The Coming of the Saviour and the Future of the World (46 pp)
- Do You Break Bread? (30 pp)
- "Warned of God" (15 pp)
- War and Peace (7 pp)
- The Kingdom of God and of Christ - Simple Outlines (44 pp)
- The Desire of God for His People (23 pp)
- "A Blessing is in It" (15 pp)
- God's Dwelling-Place, Now and in the Future (28 pp)
- The Siege of Samaria; or, Satisfaction, Life, and Spoil (19th Dec 1911, 19 pp)
- An Amended Translation of the Epistle to the Hebrews (1847, 43 pp)
- New Testament Church Order. Five lectures (1863, 113 pp)
- The Hebrew Language: Its History and Characteristics (1867, 125 pp)
- Pastoral Letters (1848, 105 pp)
- Passages from the Diary and Letters of Henry Craik of Bristol by Henry Craik (1866, 407 pp)
- The Popery of Protestantism (1852, 73 pp) 1
- The Authority of Scripture Considered in Relation to Christian Union. A Lecture (1863, 25 pp)
- Hints and Suggestions on the Proposed Revision of Our English Bible (1865, 75 pp)
- The Distinguishing Characteristics and Essential Relationships of the Leading Languages of Asia and Europe (1860, 69 pp)
- Biblical Expositions, Lectures, Sketches of Sermons, &c. (1867, 225 pp)
- Improved Renderings of Those Passages in the English Version of the New Testament which are Capable of Being More Correctly Translated (1866, 64 pp)
George Cutting ("Earing and Harvest" Series)
George Cutting ("Earing and Harvest" New Series)
- Sixty Solemn Proofs from Scripture that instead of the professing Church getting better it will continue, and even increase, in evil, until the Lord Jesus Christ comes again. (1859, 25 pp)
- Fifteen Solemn Facts, taken from the Holy Scriptures (1859, 11 pp)
- Fifty Plain Proofs from the Scriptures, that Christ will personally appear again; to receive His Church, and reign with her on or over the earth (1859, 29 pp)
- An Inquiry as to whether there is even one Scripture in the New Testament to prove that "the Temple," "the House of God," "the Church," or "the Sanctuary" means, in this dispensation, a building of wood or stone, and the services a round of formal ceremonies; with a word on "the Chapel." (1867, 19 pp) 3
- How the Lost Sheep was Found (15 pp) 2
- Lectures on Second Coming; Lecture II (33 pp)
- Joying in God and Waiting for Christ (10 pp) 1
- The True Grace of God wherein Ye Stand (16 pp) 2
- On the Baptism of Households (32 pp) 1
- Collated Notes on Philippians (321 pp)
- The Notion of a Clergyman Dispensationally the Sin Against the Holy Ghost (1868, 29 pp) 1
- On Lay Preaching (1867, 27 pp)
- The Nature and Unity of the Church of Christ (17 pp) 5
- Dr. Colenso and the Pentateuch (1863, 49 pp)
- Christianity not Christendom (57 pp)
- The Believer Entering Into God's Rest. Notes of an Exposition on Hebrews IV (1843, 13 pp)
- On Ministry: its Nature, Source, Power, and Responsibility (1844, 49 pp)
- The Church: the House and the Body (1874, 13 pp) 1
- The Substance of a Lecture on Prophecy (1844, 43 pp)
- A Letter to a Clergyman on the Claims and Doctrines of Newman Street (1835, 35 pp)
- Remarks on a Tract Circulated by the Irvingites, entitled “A Word of Instruction.” (71 pp)
- Letters on the Inspiration of the Scriptures; and on the Human Element in Inspiration (39 pp)
- Notes on the Epistle to the Galatians (109 pp)
- Nine Lectures on the First Epistle of John (1882, 137 pp) 0
- Notes on Scripture (1868, 111 pp)
- Practical Reflections on the Psalms (352 pp)
- The Names of the Lord Jesus in the Epistles (145 pp) 1
- Lectures on the Second Coming Delivered in Canada (1868, 201 pp)
- Notes on the Epistle to the Hebrews (149 pp) 2
- Notes on Romans (177 pp) 2
- On the Greek Article (201 pp)
- Extract from a Letter in Reply to Some Questions on the Lord's Supper (15 pp) 1
- On the Eternity of Punishment; and the Immortality of the Soul (188 pp)
- Seven Lectures on the Second Coming of the Lord (1863, 200 pp)
- The "Man of Sorrows" - A Poem (35 pp) 2
- Enquiry as to the Antichrist of Prophecy (1869, 20 pp)
- An Introduction To The Bible (84 pp)
- The Doctrine of the Church of England at the Time of the Reformation ... Compared with the Remarks of the Regius Professor of Divinity (1831, 76 pp)
- On the Humanity of Christ (15 pp)
- Letter of J.N.D. on Voting (3 pp)
- Episcopacy: What Ground is there in Scripture or History for Accounting it an Institution of God? (24 pp)
- Progress of Democratic Power (15 pp)
- A Letter to the Saints in London as to the Presence of the Holy Ghost in the Church (22 pp)
- Remarks on "Christianity and Modern Progress by the Rev. A. Raleigh", ETC. (13 pp) 0
- The Righteousness of God (46 pp)
- The Character Of Office In The Present Dispensation (23 pp)
- Parochial Arrangement Destructive of Order in the Church (12 pp)
- The Melchizedek Priesthood of Christ (12 pp)
- The Dispensation of the Kingdom of Heaven (12 pp) 0
- God's Grace and Man's Need (11 pp) 0
- On the Apostasy (12 pp)
- The Resurrection, the Fundamental Truth of the Gospel (16 pp)
- On "Everlasting," "Damnation," and "Hell" (8 pp)
- On the Perseverance of the Saints (4 pp)
- Notes of an Address to Converts (8 pp)
- On the Effect, on the Moral State of England, of the Progress of Democratic Power. (8 pp)
- Address to His Roman Catholic Brethren (12 pp)
- Brethren and Their Reviewers (59 pp)
- Notes of a Meeting in London in September 1847 (1907, 33 pp)
- Jottings from Various Meetings with J.N.D. - Part 2 (1880, 145 pp)
- Truth for the Times - Some Thoughts on the Second Epistle to Timothy for the Closing Days (7 pp)
- The Father and Prodigal: Being the Substance of a Lecture on Luke XV (1844, 43 pp) 3
- Considerations Addressed to the Archbishop of Dublin and the Clergy who Signed the Petition to the House of Commons for Protection (1827, 35 pp) 0
- An Index to Vols. I-XXXII. of the Collected Writings (1883, 100 pp)
- Three Letters on Present Matters (8 pp)
- Remarks on Three Tracts, Entitled "Signs of the Coming of the Lord, For Whom are they Given?" (27 pp)
- God For Us. Rom. viii, 29-39 (4 pp)
- Have We A Revelation From God? (114 pp)
- A Letter in Reply to Mons B----, Editor of the Francais, Respecting "The Brethren, their Doctrine, &c" (1878, 15 pp)
- The Hopes of the Church of God, in Connection with the Destiny of the Jews and the Nations, as Revealed in Prophecy. Eleven Lectures (1867, 177 pp)
- Seven Lectures on the Prophetical Addresses to the Seven Churches (1852, 633 pp)
- Weighty Words from the Writings of J. N. D. - Volume 1 (1898, 337 pp)
- The Irrationalism of Infidelity, being a Reply to “Phases of Faith” [by Francis W. Newman] (1853, 415 pp) 0
- An Examination of the Statements made in the Thoughts on the Apocalypse, by B. W. Newton, and an Enquiry how far they accord with Scripture. (1848, 387 pp)
- Notes and Expositions (1870, 197 pp) 0
- Notes On The Book Of Revelations; To Assist Inquirers In Searching Into That Book (1839, 180 pp)
- Analysis of Dr. Newman's Apologia Pro Vitâ Suâ (1866, 189 pp) 0
- Studies on the Book of Daniel: (1864, 133 pp)
- Dialogues on the Essays and Reviews (1863, 501 pp) 1
- Notes on the Apocalypse, gleaned at lectures in 1842. Translated from the French (1849, 145 pp)
- The Man of Sorrows As Set Forth in the Gospel of Luke (247 pp)
- Dialogue of Dr. Temple's Essay [“The Education of the World”], with preface in reference to the recent sermon and speech of the Lord Bishop of Exeter (circa 1870, 137 pp) 1
- Remarks on “The Church and the World” (1874, 121 pp) 1
- Operations of the Spirit of God (1865, 134 pp) 2
- A Brief Outline of the Books of the Bible (1862, 185 pp) 1
- Puseyism: its true character in connection with Christ's work ... With remarks on Archdeacon Wilberforce's recently published books. (1855, 77 pp)
- The Claims of the Church of England Considered: Being the Close of a Correspondence Between the Rev. James Kelly, of Stillogen, Ireland, and J. N. Darby (1864, 95 pp) 1
John Nelson Darby (Synopsis of the Books of the Bible)
- Life in Christ (1869, 173 pp) 1
- The Altar and the Table (24 pp)
- Life Truths (1864, 183 pp)
- Notes of Addresses Delivered in Merrion Hall, Dublin (1865, 279 pp)
- A Voice from the Alps; Or, The Vaudois Valleys (1854, 280 pp) 1
- To the People of Ireland. Is Mr. O'Connell in Purgatory? (1847, 49 pp)
- Winnowed Grain: or, Selections from the Addresses of ... J. Denham Smith (1862, 312 pp)
- Papers for the Present Time (1875, 113 pp)
- Walk and Warfare; or, Wilderness Provision (1872, 179 pp) 0
- The God of Glory. [An Exposition of Acts Vii. 2-5.] (1867, 37 pp)
- Green Pastures and Still Waters: Psalm xxiii (1881, 201 pp)
- Oliver Cromwell; or, England in the past, viewed in relation to England in the present. (1851, 121 pp)
- Life and Walk; Seven Addresses (1875, 193 pp)
- Life in Christ (1869, 173 pp)
- A Voice from the West, Or, The Condition and Claims of Connaught (1848, 9 pp)
- The Prophet of Glory; or, Zechariah's Visions of the Coming and Kingdom of Christ (1885, 349 pp)
- The Gospel in Hosea (319 pp) 0
- Addresses Delivered in London and Brighton (1866, 117 pp)
- Dead in Sins, Death for Sin, and Dead to Sin (33 pp)
- Well with the Righteous (37 pp)
- The Brides of Scripture; or, Foreshadows of the Coming Glory (225 pp)
- Complete in Jesus; and One with Jesus; Being Two Addresses (1862, 69 pp)
Joseph Denham Smith (Times of Refreshing - Mornings in Dublin)
- A Manual for Young Christians (1871, 177 pp)
- Heavenly Laws for Earthly Homes (1872, 185 pp)
- A Letter to a Young Believer Upon Peace with God (15 pp)
- The Law of Christian Liberality: a sermon, preached ... in Lewisham Road Chapel, March 8th, 1863 (1863, 21 pp)
- Occupation with Christ (30 pp)
- Fundamental Truths of Salvation: Being Helps for the Anxious and for Young Believers (1876, 149 pp)
- Typical Teachings of Exodus (1882, 419 pp)
- Recovered Truths, being Letters to Certain Believers (1906, 72 pp)
- Unsearchable Riches: Or Some of the Relationships of Christ to His People (1878, 250 pp) 1
- The Lord's Prayer; Should it be used by Christians? (31 pp)
- A Companion to 'Israel's Journeyings and Worship,' (32 pp) 2
- The Ideal Christian; Or, "To Me to Live is Christ." (31 pp)
- The Rapture, the Appearing of Christ, and the Eternal State (40 pp)
- The Name Above Every Name (115 pp)
- Ezra, or Restoration from Babylon. An Exposition (114 pp)
- Nehemiah, or Labour and Conflict. An Exposition (148 pp)
- Zechariah the Prophet: Being an Exposition. (1910, 197 pp)
- Malachi; Or, The State Of Things At The End (64 pp)
- The Visions of John on Patmos: Being Notes on the Apocalypse (320 pp)
- Daniel The Prophet: And The Times Of The Gentiles (1919, 206 pp)
- The Blessed Hope: Being Papers on the Lord's Coming and Connected Events (1879, 137 pp)
- The Seven Churches, Being Expository Notes (120 pp)
- Twelve Letters to Believers (85 pp)
- The Children of God: Being An Exposition of the Fatherhood of God and the Relationships of His Children (1884, 206 pp) 0
- The Christian Household (137 pp) 0
- The Step I Have Taken (1875, 57 pp)
- Some of the Firstfruits of the Harvest, by One Who Has Sown in Tears (1865, 77 pp) 1
- A Companion to Two Prophetical Charts (1849, 203 pp)
- A Prophetical Stream of Time (circa 1870, 58 pp) 4
- A Sketch of Prophecy (23 pp)
- A Miscellaneous Selection from the Scrapbook of the Compiler. (1878, 70 pp)
- Miscellaneous Papers (1877, 590 pp) 1
- The Coming of Christ with his Saints etc. Also, God's Order of Time in Connection with the Building of the Temple etc (15 pp) 1
- Dreams, Visions, Interesting Incidents, Etc. Etc. (101 pp) 2
- The Passage of the Jordan (16 pp)
- The Rapture of the Church, God's Resource, in Reference to the Kingdom, as to Those who are Sleeping in Jesus, (15 pp) 1
- The Seventy Weeks of Daniel (1861, 49 pp)
- On Swearing (8 pp)
- "The Wells of Salvation"; or, Salvation Considered in its Several Scriptural Aspects (1865, 229 pp)
- Atonement, The Only Efficient Exponent of God's Love to Man, and the Source and Motive of Man's Love to God (1866, 73 pp)
- Britain with Reference to God, a Subject for the Solemn Consideration of her Church, People and Throne (1844, 57 pp)
- Reasons of an Irish Landlord for Not Adopting the National System of Education Under Any Modification of Its Rules and Regulations (1860, 16 pp)
- Aid to the Irish Sustentation Fund. A removable obstacle considered in a Letter to the ... Dean of Kilmore (1870, 17 pp)
- Prayer (1926, 111 pp)
- His Riches - Our Riches; A Gospel Message (76 pp)
- The Harmony of the Prophetic Word (214 pp)
- The Seven Parables; Matthew XIII - An Exposition (60 pp) 0
- Current Events in the Light of the Bible (1914, 220 pp)
- The Work of Christ; Past, Present, and Future (1913, 129 pp)
- The Lord of Glory (1910, 231 pp)
- The Jewish Question (1910, 147 pp) 1
- Studies in Prophecy (1918, 169 pp)
- "Hath God Cast Away His People" (1905, 281 pp) 1
- Studies in Zechariah (173 pp)
- The Prophet Joel; An Exposition (1909, 200 pp)
- The Gospel of Matthew; An Exposition - Volume 1 (1910, 320 pp)
- The Gospel of Matthew; An Exposition - Volume 2 (1907, 363 pp)
- God's Masterpiece; An Analytical Exposition of Ephesians 1-3 (1913, 148 pp)
- The Acts of the Apostles; An Exposition (1912, 443 pp) 1
- Ezekiel; An Analytical Exposition (1918, 360 pp)
- The Prophet Daniel (1911, 242 pp)
- The Book of Genesis (1912, 112 pp)
- The Revelation: An Analysis and Exposition of the Last Book of the Bible (1915, 220 pp) 0
- The Interval between the Coming of the Lord for His Saints and With His Saints. (1902, 20 pp)
- Christianity or Religion? A Study of the Origin and Growth of Religion and the Supernaturalism of Christianity (1927, 176 pp)
- Martin Boos, the Gospel Preaching Priest: A Brief Biography (78 pp) 1
- The History of the Scofield Reference Bible (81 pp) 4
- The Book of Psalms: A Devotional and Prophetic Commentary (1939, 506 pp) 1
- The Healing Question: An Examination of the Claims of Faith-Healing and Divine Healing Systems in the Light of the Scriptures and History (1925, 132 pp) 1
- The Gospel of John: A complete Analytical Exposition of the Gospel of John (1925, 414 pp) 1
- The Angels of God (1924, 116 pp)
- Meat in Due Season: Three Addresses as Given at the Sea Cliff Bible Conference (56 pp)
- Moses — His First and Second Coming (1940, 182 pp) 0
- Types in Joshua (52 pp)
- Unsearchable Riches; An Analytical Exposition of the Ephesian Epistle (1928, 161 pp)
- Half a Century: The Autobiography of a Servant (1930, 266 pp) 0
- The Return of the Lord; What the New Testament teaches about the second coming of Christ ... (1925, 125 pp)
- The Olivet Discourse: Matthew 24 and 25. (128 pp)
- The Holy Spirit in the New Testament (115 pp) 0
- Listen! - God Speaks (1936, 179 pp)
- Meat In Due Season - Sermons, Discourses And Expositions of the Word of Prophecy (227 pp)
- The Hope of the Ages: The Messianic Hope in Revelation, in History and in Realization (1938, 189 pp) 0
- The Conflict of the Ages: The Mystery of Lawlessness: its Origin, Historic Development and Coming Defeat (1933, 171 pp) 2
- As it Was--So Shall it be: Sunset and Sunrise, A Study of the First Age and Our Present Age (1937, 188 pp)
- Maranatha Bells: The Blessed Hope in Prose and Poetry (1935, 126 pp)
- The Heavenly Guest, The Holy Spirit (32 pp) 2
- The Predicted End of the Age and Modern Day Delusions (16 pp)
- Gabriel and Michael the Archangel (1945, 142 pp)
- The Christ We Know ~ Meditations on the Person and Glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ (1927, 127 pp)
- The Assurance of Salvation (37 pp)
- Christian Baptism (38 pp)
- Christian Renewal (41 pp)
- The Teacher as a Student (16 pp)
- The Bible Chapel (10 pp)
- Through the Scriptures (1954, 300 pp) 1
- The Preacher and His Preaching (1939, 476 pp) 2
- God's Good News (48 pp)
- Child Evangelism (35 pp) 0
- No Difference (17 pp)
- The Lord's Supper (1963, 217 pp) 7
- The Lord's Supper (Tract) (36 pp) 0
- Worship (281 pp) 0
- The Uplifted Christ, or, The Cross (74 pp) 2
- Believer's Baptism (1979, 36 pp)
- Scriptural Principles of Gathering (1934, 47 pp) 1
- A Dreamer and His Dream;: or, The story of John Bunyan and "The Pilgrim's Progress" (1944, 186 pp)
- The Believer's Biography, or The Christian's Past, Present, and Future (48 pp)
- The Marvellous City of Mansoul: or, Talks on John Bunyan's "Holy War" (1949, 254 pp)
- The Uplifted Christ: or, The Cross Its Necessity, Testimony, and Attraction (71 pp) 0
- Christian Baptism (1966, 257 pp) 1
- Direct Address to the Lord Jesus (35 pp) 2
- Personal Evangelism (1973, 161 pp)
- "A Remembrance of Me" (14 pp)
- The Christian: His Definition, His History, His Titles (65 pp)
- The Christian's Guide (32 pp)
J.S. Giles (Notes of Addresses at Lymington Hall, West Hampstead)
- John 3:31-4:42 (5th Aug 1928, 11 pp)
- Rev 2:1-7,3:14-22 (17th Mar 1929, 9 pp)
- Rev 19:11-21,20:1-4 (7th Apr 1929, 14 pp)
- Rev 22:6-21 (21st Apr 1929, 18 pp)
- Ex 2:23-35, 3:1-10, Rom 1:1-7 (20th Oct 1929, 12 pp)
- Ex 18:1-14, Rom 3:19-31 (27th Oct 1929, 8 pp)
- Gen 1:25 etc. (17th Nov 1929, 9 pp) 0
- 1 Cor 15:20-58 (24th Nov 1929, 10 pp)
- Ex 15:23-27, Rom 6:1-23 (1st Dec 1929, 8 pp)
- Num 21:4-11, Rom 7:1-25, 8:1-4 (8th Dec 1919, 14 pp) 1
- Rom 7:18-25 etc (15th Dec 1929, 10 pp)
- Gen 3:1-15 etc. (16th Mar 1930, 14 pp) 1
- Ex 12:13 etc. (29th Dec 1929, 14 pp)
- John 6:22-71 etc. (13th Apr 1930, 13 pp)
- Isa 53:4-5 (11th May 1930, 4 pp)
- The 13 Judges (1986, 224 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 1
- The Epistle of Eternal Life: An Exposition of the First Epistle of John (1931, 67 pp)
- Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King 1
- The Sevenfold Display of the Majesty and Wisdom of God
- Faith on the Battlefield
- Solemn Aspects of the War
- God's Principles of Gathering (118 pp) 1
- The Miracle of Prophecy (30 pp)
- Full Surrender (32 pp)
- British Israelism Weighed in the Balances (12 pp)
- Seventy Familiar Bible Stories (1931, 278 pp)
- The Gospel We Preach (1936, 94 pp)
- Alive From the Dead (68 pp) 1
- The Spiritual Legacy of George Goodman by George Goodman (1949, 176 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- Great Truths Simply Stated; Subjects of Practical and Personal Import to Young and Old - Illustrated by Type and Incident (135 pp)
- What to Teach and How to Reach The Young (254 pp)
- Seventy Best Bible Stories (1928, 272 pp)
- Challenge! A Series of Dialogues with a Young Christian on Problems of Faith and Conduct (1937, 94 pp)
- Seventy Less-Known Bible Stories (1938, 330 pp)
- The Spirit-Led Life (224 pp)
- Seventy Lessons in Teaching and Preaching Christ (1939, 402 pp)
- Seventy Other Best Bible Stories (1931, 298 pp)
- The Heathen - Their Present State and Future Destiny (16 pp)
- 'Things Touching the King', A key to the Tabernacle and its Lessons (1873, 107 pp)
- Gathered Grain (1871, 359 pp)
- The Banner Unfurled, Choice Selections from Christian Writers (1874, 355 pp)
- The Glories of Christ, as set forth in the Epistle to the Hebrews (1879, 105 pp)
- Temples of the Orient and Their Message in the Light of Holy Scriptures, Dante's Vision, and Bunyan's Allegory (1902, 467 pp)
- "Clear Round!" Or, Seeds of Story from Other Countries: Being a Chronicle of Links and Rivets in this World's Girdle (1893, 527 pp)
- Susan Bolton's White Feather (1872, 31 pp)
- Life in Its Lower, Intermediate, and Higher Forms: Or, Manifestations of the Divine Wisdom in the Natural History of Animals (1857, 401 pp)
- The Mysteries of God: a Series of Expositions of Holy Scripture (1884, 346 pp)
- Sacred Streams: The Ancient and Modern History of the Rivers of the Bible (1883, 445 pp)
- The Romance of Natural History - Vol 2 (1867, 441 pp)
- The Romance of Natural History - Vol 1 (1870, 388 pp)
- The Monuments of Ancient Egypt: And Their Relation to the Word of God (1847, 381 pp)
- The History of the Jews, from the Christian Era to the Dawn of the Reformation (1851, 417 pp)
- Assyria; Her Manners and Customs, Arts and Arms: Restored from Her Monuments (1852, 675 pp)
- The High Numbers of the Pentateuch: are They Trustworthy? (1871, 41 pp)
- The Prophetic Times (1871, 33 pp)
- A Text-book of Zoology for Schools (1851, 469 pp)
- Omphalos: An Attempt to Untie the Geological Knot (1857, 402 pp) 1
- The Revelation. How is it to be Interpreted? (1866, 68 pp)
- The Great Tribulation (circa 1867, 16 pp) 1
- A Memorial of the Last Days on Earth of Emily Gosse, by her Husband (1857, 89 pp)
- A Year at the Shore (1865, 382 pp)
- Wanderings Through the Conservatories at Kew (305 pp)
- Tenby: A Sea-side Holiday (1856, 449 pp)
- Gospel Narrative Tracts (242 pp)
- The Prophetic History of the Church (1902, 192 pp) 1
- Facts and Theories as to a Future State (1889, 661 pp) 2
- Life and Immortality: the Scripture Doctrine Briefly Considered in Relation to the Current Errors of Annihilationists, etc (1871, 189 pp)
- The Revelation of Christ to His Servants (496 pp)
- Spiritual Law in the Natural World (1891, 216 pp) 1
- Ought we to be watching? A reply to Mr. Laing's tract on the "Second coming of the Lord" (1877, 36 pp)
- "But One Thing Needful"; A Lecture, at Plainfield, N.J. (4th Aug 1884, 16 pp)
- Four Lectures at the Plainfield Meeting (1882, 113 pp)
- Atonement: In Type, Prophecy, and Accomplishment (236 pp)
- The Prophetic History of the Church (185 pp)
- God's Evangel; Gospel Papers (174 pp)
- The Lesson of the Ages (118 pp)
- From Amam to Biziothiah (1892, 24 pp)
- Man and the Future State (238 pp)
- The Numerical Structure of Scripture (1899, 159 pp)
- The "Gospel of Healing" (24 pp)
- Peter's Conversion (32 pp)
- The One Only Name (31st Dec 1898, 16 pp)
- Reasons for my Faith as to Baptism (64 pp) 2
- Leaves from the Book; Being Miscellaneous Papers for the Household of Faith (411 pp)
- Man's Neighbor (16 pp)
- The Swallow's Nest (12 pp)
- Papers on Eternal Punishment (16 pp)
- Deliverance: What is it? (32 pp)
- The Perseverance of the Saints (22 pp)
- A Brand from the Burning (16 pp)
- Peters Conversion (31 pp)
- The Crowned Christ (135 pp)
- The Ground of the Church of God, and What it Involves (8 pp)
- Eternal Life, as Possessed by the Believer in all Dispensations (6 pp)
- Does Man Live for Ever, or Perish Like the Beast? (31 pp)
F.W. Grant (The Numerical Bible)
- Romanism and the Reformation (1887, 417 pp) 1
- The Approaching End of the Age Viewed in the Light of History, Prophecy and Science (1878, 661 pp) 1
- Light for the Last Days: A Study Historic and Propheti (1888, 485 pp) 0
- Creation Centred in Christ - Volume 1 (1896, 591 pp)
- Creation Centred in Christ - Volume 2 (1896, 769 pp)
- The City of the Seven Hills (1891, 333 pp)
- Sermons (1860, 381 pp)
- The Divine Programme of the World's History (483 pp)
- History Unveiling Prophecy, or Time As An Interpreter (1905, 507 pp)
- An Appeal to Christians on the Subject of Believer's Baptism (1863, 45 pp) 1
- The Revival In Ireland: Letters From Ministers And Medical Men In Ulster On The Revival Of Religion In The North Of Ireland (1860, 91 pp)
- The Duty Of Christians in The Present Crisis: A Letter To A Christian Brother (1861, 28 pp)
- Three Sermons on Important Subjects, Together with A Sketch of His Life and Ministry (1858, 65 pp)
- The Heresy Taught by the Rev. G. O. Barnes Exposed and Answered (89 pp) 1
- Christian Charity: A Lecture (1858, 17 pp)
- llustrated Missionary News Vol 12 (1877, 153 pp)
- Key to the Apocalypse; or, The Seven Interpretations of Symbolic Prophecy (1899, 151 pp)
- Our Helpers at Work: Statement of the Organization of the Regions Beyond Helpers etc. (64 pp)
- A Father's Letter (19 pp)
- "On This Rock," or, The Certainties of Faith (227 pp)
- The Servant-Son. A Devotional and Informative Commentary on Mark's Gospel (1990, 371 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 3
- The Second Epistle to the Thessalonians (1992, 66 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- The Book of Daniel (1982, 128 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 1
- Second Epistle to the Corinthians (1966, 241 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- Luke's Life of Christ (1981, 289 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- First Epistle to the Corinthians (1965, 282 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 2
- Acts: A Study in New Testament Christianity - Volume 1 (1995, 300 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 2
- Acts: A Study in New Testament Christianity - Volume 2 (1995, 352 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- Understanding 1&2 Chronicles (1980, 405 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 2
- Unpublished Notes of an Address on Exodus 3:1-15 (circa 1935, 22 pp)
- Unpublished Notes of an Address on Hebrews 4:9-16 (19th Feb 1933, 22 pp)
- Unpublished Notes of an Address on John 14, 15 & Other Verses (circa 1935, 22 pp)
- Counsel for the Last Days (1945, 33 pp)
- The Church at Prayer (circa 1920, 8 pp)
- The Altar of Worship (17th Apr 1937, 16 pp)
- Studies in the Book of Ruth (1947, 79 pp) 1
- The Old Bondage and the New Service Romans 5-6 (1945, 20 pp)
- The Path of the Just (1939, 28 pp)
- The Seventy Weeks of Daniel (1921, 32 pp) 0
- The World against Christ and the Christian (15th Jan 1938, 16 pp)
- The Lord's Words to the Last Three Churches in Asia (1st Jun 1936, 16 pp)
- The Sin of Achan (23rd Oct 1937, 16 pp)
- Christ and His Church: Eight Addresses Delivered in London in 1929 (1931, 156 pp)
- The Cry of the Suffering Christ (1947, 22 pp)
- The Spiritual Value of Divine Omniscience (23rd Mar 1935, 20 pp)
- Fellowship its Breach and its Recovery (23rd Jan 1937, 16 pp)
- The Institution and Observance of the Lord's Supper (66 pp) 0
- Continuance in Divine Things (1910, 32 pp)
- The Rapture of the Church and the Appearing of the Lord (1941, 12 pp)
- The Son of His Love - Papers on The Eternal Sonship (189 pp)
- Golden Apples in Silver Dishes. An Apple a Day for Twelve Days (1936, 48 pp)
- Christ The Propitiatory (1919, 8 pp)
- The Kingdom of God (66 pp) 2
- The Intermediate State - Reply to E. W. Bullinger (66 pp)
- Bible Problems and Answers (1957, 455 pp) 8
- Household Baptism: Is it from Heaven or from Men (24 pp) 1
- Baptism: Its Use and Abuses (20 pp) 1
- The Visions of John the Divine. An Exposition, Chapter by Chapter, of the Book of Revelation (1932, 204 pp) 2
- Comforting His Own 0
- Baptism: Into what Name? (28 pp) 1
- Household Baptism: A Scriptural Inquiry as to the Claims (28 pp) 1
- Beyond the Grave; or, What saith the Scriptures about the Intermediate or Final State (77 pp)
- The Passion Song of Israel; An Exposition of Isaiah 53 (65 pp)
- Things That Differ: The Holy Spirit's Work In Varied Aspects (44 pp)
- Mysteries of the New Testament (112 pp)
- Things Most Surely Believed Among Us (50 pp)
- Christ: the Interpreter of the Father (1927, 95 pp)
- The Seven Covenants of Holy Scripture (48 pp) 0
- Israel, the Church and Christendom. Their Contact and Contrast (111 pp)
- The Christ of God, His Pre-Eminence, His Self-Abasement (40 pp)
- Studies in Bible Doctrine (1948, 203 pp) 1
- Bishops, Priests and Deacons (183 pp)
- The Great Tribulation Theory (27 pp)
- Links Between Home Churches and the Foreign Field (12 pp)
William Hoste (Compilations Edited with Robert McElheran)
- Notes on the Prophecy and Lamentations of Jeremiah "The Weeping Prophet" (1928, 368 pp) 2
- Notes on the Minor Prophets (1909, 472 pp) 2
- Notes on the Book of Proverbs (1908, 494 pp) 1
- The Only Two Religions, and Other Gospel Papers (1912, 104 pp)
- Holiness, the False and the True (1900, 152 pp)
- The Mormon's Mistake, or, What is the Gospel? (13 pp)
- The Holy Trinity (17 pp)
- Addresses on the Gospel of Luke (1947, 721 pp) 2
- Addresses on the Song of Solomon (1933, 135 pp) 1
- Addresses on the First and Second Epistles of Thessalonians (1946, 119 pp)
- Lectures on the Epistle to the Colossians (182 pp) 0
- Expository Notes on the Epistle of James (1947, 63 pp) 1
- Expository Notes on Ezekiel the Prophet (1949, 348 pp) 0
- Expository Notes on the Gospel of Mark (1948, 247 pp) 0
- Expository Messages on the Epistle to the Galatians (1941, 233 pp)
- Lectures on Daniel the Prophet (1920, 253 pp) 2
- Lectures on the Book of Acts (1943, 649 pp)
- Notes on the Book of Proverbs (1907, 509 pp) 4
- Notes on the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah (1913, 225 pp)
- Expository Notes on the Prophet Isaiah (1952, 378 pp)
- Addresses on the Book of Joshua (1950, 140 pp)
- Lectures on the Book of Revelation (1930, 368 pp) 1
- Great Words of the Gospel (1944, 126 pp) 1
- Practical Expository Addresses on the Epistle to the Ephesians (1937, 341 pp) 2
- Addresses on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians (1939, 288 pp)
- The Only Two Religions and Other Gospel Papers (99 pp)
- Praying in the Holy Spirit (65 pp)
- The Holy Trinity (1941, 13 pp)
- The Mysteries of God (128 pp)
- The Tramp who Became a Deacon (16 pp)
- The Levitical Offerings (1929, 60 pp)
- Studies on Book One of the Psalms (1952, 254 pp)
- The Stone that will Fall from Heaven (19 pp)
- The Eternal Security of the Believer (1954, 47 pp) 0
- The Oxford Group Movement; Is it Scriptural? (34 pp)
- The Mission of the Holy Spirit and Praying in the Holy Spirit (1957, 130 pp)
- Miscellaneous Papers - 1 (1945, 459 pp)
- Miscellaneous Papers - 2 (1945, 414 pp)
- Help for the Needy Soul (123 pp)
- Four Golden Hours at Kingsway Hall, London (117 pp)
- Studies in the Epistle to the Hebrews also Lectures on the Epistle to Titus (1932, 192 pp) 1
- The Four Hundred Silent Years (From Malachi to Matthew) (1914, 110 pp) 2
- Death and Afterward (1924, 41 pp)
- Adders' Eggs and Spider's Webs, or Human Theories vs Divine Revelation (1924, 31 pp)
- Illustrations of Bible Truth (1945, 119 pp)
- Sailing with Paul; Simple Papers for Young Christians (78 pp)
- Divine Healing - Is it in the Atonement? (8 pp) 2
- The Daily Sacrifice (1948, 375 pp) 1
- Random Reminiscences From Fifty Years of Ministry (1939, 167 pp)
- Things Seen and Heard In Bible Lands (1936, 170 pp)
- The Unchanging Christ and Other Sermons (1938, 162 pp)
- Letters to a Roman Catholic Priest (50 pp)
- The Continual Burnt Offering; Daily Meditations on the Word of God (1943, 373 pp) 0
- "Charge That To My Account" and Other Gospel Papers (1931, 127 pp) 2
- Poems and Hymns (1962, 32 pp)
- Except Ye Repent (1937, 189 pp) 1
- Dr. Ironside's Bible: Notes and Quotes from the Margins (1955, 189 pp) 3
- A Life Laid Down: A Brief Memoir of Fannie M. Arthur (1917, 97 pp)
- Who will be Saved in the Coming Period of Judgement (16 pp)
- What's the Answer? 362 Answers to Bible Questions (165 pp)
- Holiness, the False and the True (1947, 142 pp)
- Addresses on the First Epistle to the Corinthians (1938, 562 pp)
- Apostolic Faith Missions and the so called Second Pentecost (19 pp)
- Addresses on the Gospel of John (890 pp)
- Expository Notes on the Gospel of Matthew (1948, 407 pp) 0
- Notes on the Minor Prophets (1909, 464 pp)
- Timothy Titus and Philemon (1947, 282 pp) 1
- Addresses on the Epistles of John and an Exposition of the Epistle of Jude (1931, 296 pp)
- Expository Notes on the Epistles of Peter (1947, 101 pp) 1
- Notes on the Epistle to the Philippians (1922, 126 pp) 0
- Lectures on the Epistle to the Romans (1928, 176 pp)
- Baptism: What Saith the Scripture? (1918, 51 pp) 3
- The Great Parenthesis (1943, 133 pp)
- The Best of H.A. Ironside (1981, 284 pp) 0
- The Lamp of Prophecy or Signs of the Times (1940, 159 pp) 2
- God's Unspeakable Gift: Twelve Select Addresses on Evangelical Themes (102 pp)
- Full Assurance. How to know you're Saved (1937, 74 pp) 1
- Glorifying the Lord in the Fires (4 pp)
- Divine Priorities and Other Messages (102 pp)
- An Address on The Lord's Supper (13th Dec 1925, 24 pp)
- Studies in Revelation (632 pp) 2
- Defilement and Wickedness: Are they Equivalent? (30 pp) 1
- The Christian's Relation to Christian Governments (33 pp)
- The Vow of the Nazarite, Or, The NAZARITE: Ancient and Modern (48 pp)
- The Human Body, Its Source, History and Destiny, as told by its Maker (1927, 210 pp) 1
- Satan: His Person, Work, Place and Destiny (256 pp) 0
- Judges (1905, 265 pp)
- Baptism (1924, 65 pp)
⚠️ Although one of the more interesting pamphlets on the subject, it is promoting 'infant baptism'.
- Baptism (Revised and Enlarged) (1934, 97 pp)
⚠️ Although one of the more interesting pamphlets on the subject, it is promoting 'infant baptism'.
- Sinless yet Tempted (25 pp)
- The Sermon on the Mount And the Key to Its Difficulties (33 pp)
- Does Death Alone Break the Marriage Relation? (33 pp) 1
- Inter-Denominational Fellowship: Does it fulfil Apostolic Conditions? (21 pp)
- Gethsemane (24 pp)
- The End of the European War in the Light of Scripture (Oct 1915, 44 pp)
- Old Groans and New Songs - Being Meditations on the Book of Ecclesiastes (151 pp)
- The Extent of Fellowship at the Lord’s Table (9 pp)
- Studies in Isaiah (1935, 787 pp)
- Two Addresses on Psalms xc., xci,, and xcii (24 pp)
- The Moral Features of Christian Fellowship (18 pp)
- Meditation on the Psalms (1921, 156 pp) 1
- Pardon, Salvation and Peace (96 pp)
- The Riches and Glory of God's Grace (73 pp) 0
- The Kingdom of God
- Psalm 16
- Recovered for God's Pleasure
- The Law of the House of God
- The Priesthood of Christ
- A New Generation - Part 1
- A New Generation - Part 2
- Our Place and Portion 1
- The Perfect Servant - Part 1
- The Perfect Servant - Part 2
- God's King
- Unity
- Reading at Parkstone
- Salvation and Righteousness; and The blessing of a Fixed Heart. (30 pp)
- Maschil, or Giving Instruction
- The Apple Tree
- Moral Power 1
- The Disciplined Man 0
- The Love of God
- The Gospel in the Psalms
- Recovered for God's Pleasure (21 pp)
- The Way Out of Confusion. Notes of an Address. (16 pp)
- "Jehovah My God, My Holy One" Addresses at Park Street, Islington, 1921 (1921, 69 pp) 2
- Blessed are they that Dwell in Thy House (15 pp)
- Living to God (15 pp) 1
- The Law of the Offerings (1847, 263 pp)
- The Mystery of the Kingdom Traced Through the Four Books of Kings (Part 1) (1849, 147 pp)
- The Types of Genesis Briefly Considered (1875, 465 pp) 0
- The Names of God in Holy Scripture (1888, 250 pp)
- Letters of Andrew Jukes (1903, 259 pp)
- The New Man and the Eternal Life (1881, 315 pp) 1
- The Second Death and the Restitution of all Things (1867, 177 pp) 8
- The Characteristic Differences of the Four Gospels Considered (1853, 219 pp)
- The Six Days; Or, the Various Stages of the Work of God: Being Notes on Genesis 1 (1855, 53 pp)
- "The drying up of the Euphrates, and the Kings of the East." A letter to E. Bickersteth (1845, 17 pp) 1
- The Sabbath and the Lord's Day Considered, in Reference to the Present Movement on the Subject (1859, 33 pp) 1
- The Church of Christ (1862, 61 pp)
- "Catholic Eschatology" Examined (1876, 57 pp)
- Letters of Andrew Jukes (1903, 251 pp) 1
- A Letter to a Friend on Baptism (12 pp)
- Bible Plants and Animals (1889, 281 pp)
- Lyra Christi: Being Metrical Musings on the Life of our Lord (1915, 168 pp)
- Pictures from Eastern Lands (153 pp)
- The World War and After. An Inquiry and a Forecast. (1915, 168 pp)
- Gleanings From Bible Lands (1891, 197 pp)
- Amentet. An Account Of The Gods, Amulets & Scarabs Of The Ancient Egyptians. (1915, 306 pp)
- India: From the Aryan Invasion to the Great Sepoy Mutiny (1897, 349 pp)
- Victoria, Her Life and Reign. An Illustrated Biography of the Queen, from the Year 1819 to the Present Time (1897, 345 pp)
- Parables and Sketches (190 pp)
- The Epistle to the Hebrews: A Practical Treatise for Plain and Serious Readers (1951, 302 pp) 1
- The Histories and Prophecies of Daniel (1941, 232 pp)
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ; Select studies (1945, 430 pp) 3
- The Parabolic Teaching of Scripture (1956, 398 pp) 2
- An Ordered Life. An Autobiography. (1959, 256 pp) 3
- Praying is Working (1988, 47 pp) 1
- Firstfruits and Harvest - A Study in Resurrection and Rapture (1985, 88 pp)
- Ideals & Realities - An Inquiry into the Inter-acting of the Will of God and the Will of Man in relation to Sharing in the Millennial Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ (1988, 36 pp) 0
- The King and Other Verses (1943, 46 pp)
- The Last Assize - A Review of the Doctrines of Universal Restoration, Annihilation, and Eternal Punishment (1956, 100 pp)
- World Chaos: Its Root and Remedy -- An Inquiry Into the Deeper Reasons and Urgent Lessons (1948, 270 pp) 1
- The Earlier Years of the Modern Tongues Movement. A Historical Survey and its Lessons (79 pp) 1
- The Clean Heart. A Scripture Study Concerning Inward Holiness (1946, 50 pp) 1
- God at Work on His Own lines: As Seen in Various Lands in Centuries Nineteen and Twenty (1952, 120 pp)
- Firstborn Sons Their Rights and Risks. An Inquiry as to the Privileges and Perils of the Members of the Church of God (1943, 194 pp)
- Divine Guidance: Its Reality, Methods, Conditions (1947, 63 pp)
- The History and Diaries of an Indian Christian (1939, 221 pp) 3
- The Unequal Yoke. Divine Directions for Difficult Situations (1947, 36 pp)
- The Hope of Israel - What is it? (1929, 262 pp)
- God's Gospel and God's Righteousness (166 pp)
- Sickness Among Saints. To Whom Shall We Go? (1909, 48 pp)
- The Sign of the Prophet Jonah (33 pp)
- The World and it's God (1917, 120 pp)
- Our Liberty in Christ - A Study in Galatians (204 pp)
- Life in the Word (1909, 108 pp)
- God's Gift and Our Response: A Study of Romans V. to VIII. (175 pp) 2
- Which Version? Authorized or Revised? (126 pp)
- The Lord's Supper (1915, 71 pp)
- The Seventy Weeks and the Great Tribulation (1923, 287 pp)
- James - The Epistle of Reality (1923, 157 pp)
- “After This” Or The Church, The Kingdom, and The Glory (1918, 192 pp)
- Baptism: Its Place and Importance in Christianity, With a Letter Concerning Household Baptism (1914, 163 pp)
- Ruth: The Satisfied Stranger (1920, 219 pp)
- Evolution at the Bar (1922, 80 pp)
- The Number of Man - The Climax of Civilization (1910, 378 pp) 1
- The Last Call to the Godly Remnant - A Study of the Five Messages of Haggai (1910, 65 pp)
- The "Wretched Man" and His Deliverance: Romans 7 (130 pp) 1
- Reason to Revelation (102 pp) 1
- The Gospel of the Kingdom: An Examination of Modern Dispensationalism (1928, 258 pp) 17
- Never Man Spake Like This Man (1923, 32 pp)
- Man's Day (287 pp)
- The Kingdom Heresies of S.D. Gordon (1989, 23 pp)
- The Patmos Visions - A Study of the Apocalypse (1925, 581 pp) 1
- Looking for the Saviour (86 pp) 2
- God's Pilgrims, Their Dangers, Their Resources, Their Rewards (1912, 188 pp)
- The Kingdom of Heaven (156 pp)
- God's Present Kingdom (278 pp)
- The Things Which Soon Must Come to Pass - A Commentary on the Book of Revelation (653 pp)
- God's Love and God's Children - Rom viii. 14 ~ xvi. 27 (1914, 161 pp)
- The Coming of the Lord and the Order of Events (circa 1880, 25 pp) 0
- Philadelphia: The Substance of a Lecture, Delivered August 15th, 1865 (48 pp)
- Meditations on the Christian's Standing, State, Vocation, Warfare and Hope (254 pp) 2
- Meditations on Christian Devotedness (110 pp)
- Answers to Six Questions on Baptism (35 pp)
- Meditations on the Twenty-third and Eighty-fourth Psalms (1867, 249 pp)
- Meditations on the Beatitudes, Matt. V., and Christian Devotedness, Rom. XII (1878, 233 pp)
- The Grace and Glory of God (305 pp)
- Short Papers on Church History - Volume 1 (1874, 613 pp) 1
- Short Papers on Church History - Volume 2 (1876, 609 pp)
- Short Papers on Church History - Volume 3 (1878, 693 pp)
- The Christian's Conflict and God's Armour (1862, 57 pp)
- Meditations on the Song of Solomon (250 pp)
- Addresses on the Epistle to the Hebrews (1907, 266 pp)
- “God is One” (Thoughts on the Truth of the Godhead) (68 pp)
- The Basis of the Resurrection World (1909, 160 pp)
- Trial by Fire (12th Apr 1909, 15 pp)
- "Thousands of Them that Love Me." Exodus xx. 6 (51 pp)
- The War of the Lord. Notes of Lectures by at Park Street, London, During January and February 1910 (1910, 107 pp)
- “My Guestchamber." 1 Corinthians XI. 18-34 (17 pp) 1
- The Building of the Bride. As seen in the Epistle to the Ephesians (1912, 74 pp)
- "My Brethren." Notes of Lecture in Glasgow, May 14th, 1910 (1910, 21 pp)
- Movement. Four Lectures at Denning Hall, Hampstead (1908, 59 pp)
- Divine Service (18 pp)
- The Unveiling (Readings on Revelation from Mutual Comfort 1-3) (1910, 145 pp)
- Light and Perfection (91 pp)
- Earth's Earliest Ages; And Their Connection with Modern Spiritualism and Theosophy (1884, 505 pp) 1
- Earth's Earliest Ages, And Their Lessons For Us: Including A Treatise On Spiritualism (1876, 275 pp)
- Animals: Their Past and Future (1883, 67 pp)
- Theosophy, Buddhism, and the Signs of the End (1892, 89 pp)
- The Great Prophecies Concerning the Gentiles, the Jews, and the Church of God (1881, 458 pp) 1
- The Great Prophecies Concerning the Gentiles, the Jews, and the Church of God (Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. With a Coloured Chart) (1885, 494 pp)
- The Great Prophecies of the Centuries Concerning the Church (1909, 689 pp) 0
- Mystery Babylon the Great and The Mysteries and Catholicism: An exposition of Revelation 17 and 18 and An Account of the Rise of the Roman Catholic Church under Pagan Influences (1941, 160 pp)
- Earth's Earliest Ages; And Their Connection with Modern Spiritualism and Theosophy (Fifth Edition) (1889, 532 pp)
- Theosophy, Buddhism, and the Signs of the End (Revell) (1900, 88 pp)
- Bright Beams from the Blackboard (116 pp)
- Twice-Born Men; True Conversion Records of 100 Well-known Men in all Ranks of Life (1932, 150 pp) 3
- Which is the Correct Christian Baptism according to the New Testament? (32 pp)
- The Believer's Blue Book (208 pp)
- 100 Thrilling Tales (216 pp)
- Heaven, the Home of the Redeemed: Its Location, Its Character, Its People, Its Bliss (128 pp)
- The Royal Crown Recitations Ballads, and Other Pieces for Young Folks (circa 1933, 96 pp)
- Head Heart and Hand: Original Object Lessons for Sunday Schools and All Who Work Amongst the Young (1939, 96 pp)
- Through the Eye to the Heart - 100 Original Object Lessons (165 pp) 1
- Seven "V" Papers: A Special Testimony to Vital Truths Concerning Our Lord Jesus Christ. (128 pp)
- Fresh Minted Gold: Original Meditations on a Variety of Subjects and Portions of the "Word of our God." (189 pp)
- Seeing the Way to Heaven (169 pp)
- Boys and Girls Book - of Ballads, Poems, and Recitations - Original and Selected for Home and School Use (112 pp)
- Into the Fold: How the Good Shepherd Gathers Straying Lambs Into His Heavenly Fold (198 pp)
- Genesis I and II, Historically and Typically Considered (circa 1930, 68 pp)
- Modernism Versus the Bible (circa 1930, 68 pp)
- "Jehovah's Witnesses" and Judge Rutherford's Books; An Exposure (circa 1930, 16 pp)
- Modern Pentecostalism, Foursquare Gospel, "Healings" and "Tongues" (circa 1930, 80 pp)
- The Oxford Group Movement (circa 1930, 36 pp)
- Christianity True; An Unanswerable Proof (circa 1930, 28 pp)
- Divine Titles and their Significance (circa 1930, 48 pp)
- Is the Soul of Man Immortal? (circa 1930, 24 pp)
- Is Roman Catholicism of God? (circa 1930, 62 pp)
- Seventh-Day Adventism Briefly Tested by Scripture (circa 1930, 32 pp) 1
- The Doctrine of Christ (circa 1930, 32 pp) 1
- Eternal Life (circa 1930, 26 pp)
- The Church of God (circa 1930, 85 pp)
- Josephus and The Bible (circa 1930, 34 pp)
- Christian Science, Briefly Tested by Scripture (circa 1930, 67 pp)
- A Brief Examination of Mr. Philip Mauro's Later Views on Dispensational Truth (circa 1930, 68 pp) 1
- Evolution: Unscientific and Unscriptural (circa 1930, 68 pp)
- The Eternal Son (circa 1930, 53 pp)
- Will the Church Go Through The Great Tribulation? (circa 1930, 67 pp)
- Why I Believe the Bible (circa 1930, 101 pp)
- The Amazing Jew (circa 1930, 185 pp)
- Things Which Must Shortly Come To Pass (1936, 284 pp)
- The Fundamentals of the Christian Faith (1930, 116 pp)
- Comforted of God (First Edition) (circa 1930, 92 pp)
- Comforted of God (Seventh Edition) (circa 1930, 93 pp)
- Modern Spiritualism, Briefly Tested By Scripture (circa 1930, 36 pp)
- The Apostle Paul and His Missionary Labors (circa 1930, 112 pp)
- The Apostasy of Christendom (circa 1930, 44 pp)
- May Christ Come at Any Moment? (1913, 50 pp)
- The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ (circa 1930, 59 pp) 1
- Does the Blood of Christ Cleanse Once for All (circa 1930, 20 pp)
- The Beginning of the End (circa 1930, 24 pp)
- Christadelphism; Briefly Tested by Scripture (circa 1930, 24 pp)
- Is the Bible Inspired of God? (circa 1930, 51 pp)
- Three Wonderful Facts Concerning Palestine (circa 1930, 22 pp)
- Wrestling or Clinging, and Other Gospel Addresses (1897, 169 pp)
- The Tabernacle's Typical Teaching (circa 1930, 178 pp) 2
- Reasons Why a Christian Should Not be a Freemason (16 pp)
- Hades and Eternal Punishment (60 pp)
- Office, Gift, and Priesthood (35 pp)
- Millenial Dawnism; Briefly Tested by Scripture (23 pp)
- The British-Israel Theory; Briefly Tested by Scripture (35 pp)
- May Christ Come at any Moment? (Second Edition) (59 pp) 1
- The Christian and Socialism (20 pp)
- Christadelphianism (20 pp)
- Woman; Her Place in Scripture (20 pp)
- The Fellowship All Christians Are Called To (66 pp)
- John V.26 Clearly Teaches Eternal Sonship (8 pp)
- The Teaching of Mr. T. Austin-Spark’s Book, The Centrality and Universality of the Cross, Examined in the Light of Scripture (23 pp)
- The Savior: Sinless, Yet Tempted (1980, 16 pp)
- The Journey and its End (160 pp) 1
- Spiritualism: Its Meaning, Menace, and Condemnation by Scripture (93 pp)
- The Holy Spirit of God & The Great Adversary (80 pp)
- Who Made The World? A Book for Elder Boys and Girls (67 pp)
- Pentecostal Times (1876, 350 pp)
- Looking Unto Jesus (1869, 177 pp)
- Safe through the Blood of Jesus (105 pp)
- The Friends of Jesus Directed and Encouraged (1860, 241 pp)
- The Blood of Jesus (1860, 153 pp)
- Letters about Jesus (1860, 155 pp)
- Authentic Records of Revival, Now in Progress in the United Kingdom (1860, 499 pp) 0
- The Paths of the Lord (160 pp) 1
- The Spirit of Jesus (1862, 149 pp)
- Christ Once Suffered for Sins (29th Aug 1875, 33 pp)
- The Song of Songs (1876, 254 pp)
- Streams From Lebanon (1857, 532 pp)
- The Free Giving of God (circa 1920, 15 pp)
- Knowing the Lord (circa 1920, 76 pp)
- Lectures on Leviticus (circa 1920, 72 pp)
- Lectures on the Epistles of Peter (circa 1920, 83 pp)
- Love's Circle (circa 1920, 14 pp)
- Propitiation and Cleansing (circa 1920, 16 pp)
- Some Characteristic Features of the Four Gospels (1903, 64 pp)
- The Present Purpose of God (circa 1920, 49 pp)
- The Seven Churches (1902, 72 pp)
- What Saints will be Caught Up on the Lord's Return (circa 1920, 15 pp)
- Words of Establishment (circa 1920, 79 pp)
- Words of Exhortation and Doctrine (circa 1920, 66 pp)
- Betrachtungen über die Epistel an die Kolosser (1894, 38 pp)
- Worte über das Abendmahl (1893, 8 pp)
- Reflections on the Prophetic Word in the New Testament (circa 1920, 158 pp)
- Reflections on the Prophetic Word in the Old Testament Scriptures (1915, 305 pp)
- Reflections on the Psalms Personal to Christ (circa 1920, 70 pp)
- The Disciples' Conduct During Christ's Absence (1900, 71 pp)
- Divine Verity in Christ (55 pp)
- Another World: Or, The Fourth Dimension (1905, 104 pp) 2
- Christian Sanity (1909, 190 pp)
- Modern Spiritism (1920, 289 pp)
- The Springs of Character (1901, 265 pp)
- The Force of Mind (1902, 343 pp)
- The Mind of a Woman (1919, 140 pp) 2
- Memorials of R. Harold A. Schofield, M.A., M.B. (Oxon.) (late of China Inland Mission) : first medical missionary to Shan-Si, China (1885, 282 pp)
- Unconscious Therapeutics: or, The Personality of the Physician (1908, 338 pp)
- The Knowledge of God, Its Meaning and Its Power (1905, 210 pp) 2
- Fit for Work, or, Health in Christian Service (1909, 232 pp)
- The Unconscious Mind (1908, 464 pp) 1
- Studies in the Highest Thought (1911, 176 pp)
- Health at Home Tracts (1890, 204 pp)
- The Borderlands of Science (1917, 278 pp)
- Where He dwelt: or Mind Pictures of Palestine (1914, 382 pp)
- The Goal of the Race: A Study in New Thought (1915, 256 pp)
- The Radiant Morn (81 pp)
- The Homeward Journey; Or, Five “One Things”. A Book for the Young (105 pp)
- The Radiant Morn (113 pp) 1
- The Journeys of Jesus Christ the Son of God (181 pp)
- That Life That Pleases God. A Practical Treatise on the Preservation of the Spirit, and Soul, and Body. (135 pp)
- Plain Papers for Young Believers (160 pp)
- The Bond of Peace (386 pp) 1
- The Knowledge of God (209 pp)
- The Narrow Pathway to the Golden Gate; A Book for Young Pilgrims (127 pp)
- Yesterday, and To-day and For Ever (93 pp)
- God Over All (111 pp)
- Palestine Pictured, or Where He Dwelt (346 pp)
- The Divine In Man. Four Lectures Given By Request At The Alliance Club (1909, 96 pp)
- A Study of Faith Healing (126 pp)
- Behind the Brass Plate: Life's Little Stories (334 pp)
- An Allegory of Christian Life (67 pp)
- Functional Nerve Diseases (1908, 342 pp)
- Nerves in Disorder: A Plea for Rational Treatment (224 pp)
- The Management of a Nerve Patient (1906, 288 pp)
- Nervousness: A Brief and Popular Review of the Moral Treatment of Disordered Nerves (1909, 101 pp)
- Nerves in Order, or, The Maintenance of Health (1907, 321 pp)
- Elementary Physiology for Students. (1892, 412 pp)
- Manual of Personal and Domestic Hygiene - Part 2 (1889, 180 pp)
- The Home Life in Order; or, Personal and Domestic Hygiene (1909, 368 pp)
- The Last Words: An Exposition of Chapters 13 to 17 of the Gospel of John (1987, 130 pp)
- The Son of God: His Deity, Incarnation, and Manhood (30 pp)
- The Last Message - The Word of the Lord by Malachi (32 pp)
- The Garden of the Lord (17 pp)
- The Epistle to the Romans: An Expository Outline (2008, 197 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 2
- Epistles of Christ (21 pp)
- The Gospel of John: An Expository Outline (2007, 177 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 4
- The Epistle to the Colossians: An Expository Outline (60 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- The Addresses to the Seven Churches. An Expository Outline. (128 pp)
- Elisha, The Man of God (128 pp)
- The Returned Remnant (1941, 8 pp) 2
- The Song of Songs: A Brief Exposition of the Song of Solomon (112 pp)
- Christ the Centre (32 pp)
- On the Epistle to the Romans (1885, 158 pp)
- The Preparation Day (32 pp)
- Samuel (32 pp)
- Coming Events (16 pp)
- The Riband of Blue and The Lace of Blue (35 pp)
- Incidents of Gospel Work (158 pp) 7
- The Mass, and the Doctrine of the Real Presence in the Holy Communion, Examined by Scripture (34 pp)
- Coming Events (Fifth Edition) (16 pp) 2
- The Teaching of a Clergyman on No Salvation out of his Church (31 pp)
- "I Have My Ticket." (13 pp)
- The Two Husbands of Romans 7 (24 pp)
- The First Years of Christianity, and What is the Church? (153 pp)
- Plain Dialogues on Solemn Subjects, for this present time. No. 1. What is the Gospel of God?. (1869, 13 pp)
- Mephibosheth, or The Kindness of God (20 pp)
- Imputed Righteousness (24 pp)
- Naaman the Leper (6 pp)
- Selected Writings of Charles Stanley - Volume 1 (1947, 196 pp)
- Selected Writings of Charles Stanley - Volume 2 (1947, 195 pp)
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ - Notes of Lectures (1894, 72 pp)
- Cleansed By Blood and Washed By Water (37 pp)
- "That I May Win Christ" (2 pp)
- Everlasting Punishment (7 pp)
- The Heavenly Jerusalem (circa 1900, 48 pp)
- Clean and Unclean (circa 1900, 28 pp)
- Power and its Application (circa 1900, 31 pp)
- The Levite (circa 1900, 35 pp)
- The Heart Unveiled (circa 1900, 29 pp)
- Notes of Lectures on Galatians (circa 1900, 199 pp)
- Thrice Lost (circa 1900, 24 pp)
- Wise or Foolish? (circa 1900, 32 pp)
- The Heavenly Jesrusalem (circa 1900, 48 pp)
- The Throne of God and the House of God (circa 1900, 64 pp)
- The Pledge, Power, Protection and Guidance of the Holy Spirit (circa 1900, 30 pp)
- The Man Christ Jesus (circa 1900, 20 pp)
- Provision for the Wilderness (circa 1900, 124 pp)
- Fellowship in the Light (circa 1900, 32 pp)
- Reconciliation (circa 1900, 47 pp)
- Life and Communion (1891, 157 pp)
- Melchizedec the Crowned Priest (circa 1900, 48 pp)
- Oh, That Men would Praise the Lord for His Goodness (circa 1900, 33 pp)
- God's Year of Release (1900, 24 pp)
- Christ's Temptations and Victory (circa 1900, 36 pp)
- Christ's Postition - A Pattern of the Believer's New Position (circa 1900, 40 pp)
- Be Filled with the Spirit (circa 1900, 16 pp)
- The Assembly and its Heavenly Relationships (circa 1900, 32 pp)
- Marriage (circa 1900, 24 pp)
- The Divine and Eternal Sonship (circa 1900, 40 pp)
- Unfinished Notes on Hebrews (Including Obituary) (Login Required) (1920, 377 pp)
James Butler Stoney (Letters from J. B. Stoney: Second Series)
- The Unclothed or Separate State 4
- Tracings from the Gospel of John (circa 1885, 437 pp)
- Tracings from the Acts of the Apostles (circa 1885, 396 pp)
- Sketches from the Gospel of Mark (circa 1900, 155 pp)
- The Epistle to the Hebrews (circa 1900, 8 pp)
- Gospel Studies (Jan 1903, 141 pp)
- An Outline of St Paul's Epistle to the Romans (1900, 195 pp)
- Simple Papers on the Church of God (1879, 172 pp)
- From Advent to Advent (Luke) (circa 1890, 340 pp)
- Help and Instruction (1888, 77 pp)
- The Book of Praises, or The Psalms (1902, 176 pp)
- The Old Faith or the New - Which? (Teachings from the Epistle to the Hebrews) (circa 1900, 266 pp)
- Textual Criticism of the New Testament for English Bible Students (circa 1900, 124 pp)
- Atonement as set forth in The Old Testament (circa 1880, 64 pp)
- Christian Standing and Condition (Dec 1884, 43 pp) 2
- Propitiation by Blood (circa 1885, 35 pp)
- Primitive Christianity (circa 1900, 107 pp)
- The Critics: Shall we follow Them? (1902, 26 pp)
- Our Standing: The Ground of It. (1902, 16 pp)
- Jeremiah: An Example. (1906, 16 pp)
- Remarks on the Tabernacle (1899, 83 pp)
- A Note on the House of God (circa 1900, 4 pp)
- The Resurrection (circa 1900, 17 pp)
- The Death of the Lord Jesus (circa 1900, 8 pp)
- Questions Answered (circa 1886, 8 pp)
- Provision for the Way (circa 1905, 13 pp)
- The Divinity of The Lamb (16 pp)
- Too Good for Christ (8 pp)
- Propitiation and Substitution (23 pp)
- Immanuel (16 pp)
- In Christ: What is it? (16 pp)
- Provision for the Way (15 pp)
- The True Centre (8 pp)
- Christ with His People in this World; His People with Him in the Life to Come (15 pp)
- A Plain Path in a Day of Confusion (8 pp)
- The Bible and the Versions of the Bible Or, the Vulgate Compared with the Original Scriptures (1856, 77 pp)
- The Father (16 pp)
- Thoughts on Sacrifices (141 pp)
- A Slight Sketch of the Holy Spirit's Ways; and Receiving the Holy Ghost. With remarks on Mr. Govett's Tract, "Are 'the Brethren' Right?" (49 pp)
- Barzillai: His Service and Reward (16 pp)
- The Present Service of the Lord Jesus Christ (1887, 61 pp)
- Textual Criticism of the New Testament for English Bible Students (Second Edition Revised) (232 pp)
- Textual Criticism of the New Testament for English Bible Students (Third Edition Revised) (224 pp)
- Modern Translations of the Vulgate, and the Bible Society (1857, 23 pp)
- The Faith - A Symposium (1952, 358 pp)
- Prophet of Messiah's Advent: An Exposition of the Book of Micah (1974, 108 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- Prophet of Edom's Doom: An Exposition of the Prophecy of Obadiah (1973, 63 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- Paul's Letters to the Thessalonians (1991, 125 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- Prophet of the Reformation: An Exposition of the Prophecy of Malachi (1972, 93 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- Prophet of the Restoration: An exposition of the Prophecy of Haggai (1972, 74 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- The Prophet of the Myrtle Grove: An Exposition of the Prophecy of Zechariah (1971, 181 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 3
- Prophet of Royal Blood: An Exposition of the Prophecy of Zephaniah (1973, 72 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- Prophet of Social Injustice: An Exposition Of Amos (1974, 142 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 1
- The Sons of Jacob: The Blessings of the Tribes of Israel (1976, 93 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- Tabernacle & Temple (56 pp)
- The Patmos Letters (1969, 159 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 1
- This is NOT the Bible (1970, 18 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 2
- Prophecy's Last Word: An Exposition of the Revelation (1969, 270 pp)
- The Silent Messenger (35 pp)
- Revival In Our Time (33 pp)
- Christian Life in Practice - The Challenge of Today (99 pp)
- Remarks on the Prophetic Visions in the Book of Daniel (1847, 157 pp)
- Hebrew Reading Lessons: Consisting of the first four chapters of the book of Genesis, and the eighth chapter of the Proverbs (106 pp) 1
- A Lecture on the Historic Evidence of the Authorship and Transmission of the Books of the New Testament (1851, 158 pp)
- The Book of Revelation in Greek Edited from Ancient Authorities: with a New English Version and Various Readings (1844, 203 pp)
- The Book of Revelation: Translated from the Ancient Greek Text (1849, 116 pp)
- An Account of the Printed Text of the Greek New Testament (1854, 418 pp) 2
- Remarks of the Prophetic Visions in the Book of Daniel (332 pp) 0
- The Hope of Christs Second Coming: How is it Taught in Scripture? And Why? (1864, 86 pp)
- Pastoral Relations Parts I-IV (1862, 157 pp) 1
- Remarks On Some Observations Of The Bishop Of Gloucester And Bristol On Dr. Tregelles's Revised Text Of The Greek New Testament (1870, 8 pp) 1
- On Eternal Life and Those who Receive it (1845, 20 pp)
- A Lecture on the Historic Evidence of the Authorship and Transmission of the Books of the New Testament (Second Edition) (1881, 117 pp)
- The Jansenists: Their Rise, Persecutions by the Jesuits, and Existing Remnant (1851, 125 pp)
- Canon Muratorian: The Earliest Catalogue of the Books of the New Testament, Edited With Notes (1867, 131 pp)
- Christ the end of the Law for Righteousness: Five Letters to the editor of 'the Record', on recent Denials of our Lord's Vicarious Life (1863, 37 pp) 2
- Notes of a Tour in Brittany (225 pp)
- Heads of Hebrew Grammar; Containing All the Principles Needed by a Learner (1852, 177 pp)
- The Budding of the Fig-Tree (8 pp)
- The Man of Sin (32 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 2
- The Second Coming of Christ: An Essay in Interpretation (1918, 176 pp) 3
- The Subjection of the World to Come (1842, 44 pp)
- The Epistles of John (1948, 181 pp)
- Notes on the Book of Revelation (229 pp)
- Acts of the Apostles - The Unfinished Work of Christ (1961, 252 pp)
- Ephesians - The Glories of His Grace (1946, 161 pp)
- Daniel - The Man and the Message (1969, 155 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- Meditations in Mark (1995, 246 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 1
- Meditations in Luke (1995, 284 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- Meditations in Matthew (1958, 318 pp) 1
- His Appointments - Lectures on the "Feasts of the Lord" as Recorded in Leviticus 23 (1944, 107 pp)
- Meditations in Mark (1957, 247 pp)
- Reflections Submitted in the way of Help to the Attentive Reader of the Scriptures (1848, 97 pp) 3
- Some reply to "Phases of faith, by Francis Newman" (1851, 83 pp) 3
- The Table of the Lord (41 pp)
- Remission of Sins; or, Thoughts on John XX 23 (1843, 13 pp)
- The Pentateuch, Viewed from a Christian Stand-Point. (1863, 41 pp)
- The Inspiration of the Scriptures, Verbal and Perfect. Being a Paper Read Before the Christian Union Institute, on January 26, 1865 (1865, 37 pp)
- The Surplice: Who is to Wear It, and When? (12 pp)
- The Gospel, The Church, and The Servant (1899, 34 pp)
- A Student Story; or Bread Cast Upon the Waters; And other Gospel Narratives. (139 pp)
- Night Scenes of Scripture (1895, 354 pp) 0
- Behold the Bridegroom (1895, 252 pp)
- Another Comforter: Thirteen Lectures on the Operations of the Holy Spirit (1895, 338 pp) 3
- Seekers for Light: Fourteen Addresses to Edinburgh Students (1897, 295 pp)
- Young Men of Scripture (150 pp)
- The Captive of Chebar - An Outline of Ezekiel's Prophecy (30 pp)
- The Call of the Bride, and Other Gospel Papers (145 pp)
- Streams from the Fountain of Life, Being Gospel Narratives and Papers (144 pp)
- The "Forty Days" of Scripture: Sixteen Addresses (BTP) (1960, 353 pp)
- Backsliding and Restoration - A Book for Backsliders (BTP) (91 pp)
- Rest for the Weary: The Gospel From the Book of Ruth and Other Gospel Papers (BTP) (1966, 112 pp)
- From Egypt to Canaan: A Book for Anxious Souls and Young Believers (1964, 132 pp)
- Simon Peter - His Life and Letters (378 pp)
- The Church: What is It? (1924, 272 pp)
- "Handfuls of Purpose", Let Fall for Eager Gleaners (1899, 457 pp)
- The Red Sea, Or, "Saved" (24 pp)
Conference Notes
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1886 - June 1886 (Jun 1886, 190 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1887 - September 1887 (Sep 1887, 147 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1888 - June 1888 (Jun 1888, 141 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1889 - May 1889 (May 1889, 147 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1890 - May 1890 (May 1890, 191 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1891 - May 1891 (May 1891, 215 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1892 - May 1892 (May 1892, 160 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1893 - May 1893 (May 1893, 127 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1894 - May 1894 (May 1894, 168 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1895 - May 1895 (May 1895, 217 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1896 - June 1896 (Jun 1896, 240 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1897 - May 1897 (May 1897, 188 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1898 - May 1898 (May 1898, 183 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1899 - May 1899 (May 1899, 149 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1900 - May 1900 (May 1900, 185 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1901 (May 1901, 192 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1902 - May 1902 (May 1902, 269 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1903 - May 1903 (May 1903, 188 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1904 - May 1904 (May 1904, 151 pp)
- Notes of Addresses and Readings at Quemerford 1906 - 1906 (1906, 176 pp)
- Report of the Mildmay Park Conference - 1869 (1869, 263 pp)
- Report of the Mildmay Park Conference - 1870 (1870, 222 pp)
- Report of the Mildmay Park Conference - 1871 (1871, 251 pp)
- Report of the Mildmay Park Conference - 1872 (1872, 242 pp)
- Report of the Mildmay Park Conference - 1873 (1873, 203 pp)
- Report of the Mildmay Park Conference - 1874 (1874, 200 pp)
- Report of the Mildmay Park Conference - 1875 (1875, 241 pp)
- Report of the Mildmay Park Conference - 1876 (1876, 226 pp)
- Report of the Mildmay Park Conference - 1879 (1879, 267 pp)
- Report of the Mildmay Park Conference - 1880 (1880, 273 pp)
- Report of the Mildmay Park Conference - 1883 (1883, 237 pp) 1
- Report of the Mildmay Park Conference - 1884 (1884, 297 pp)
- Report of the Mildmay Park Conference - 1885 (1885, 233 pp)
- Report of the Mildmay Park Conference - 1894 (1894, 256 pp)
- Proceedings of the General Conference on Foreign Missions, Held at the Conference Hall, in Mildmay Park, London, in October, 1878 (471 pp)
- Proceedings of the General Conference on Foreign Missions, Held at the Conference Hall, in Mildmay Park, London, in October, 1886 (1886, 262 pp)
Kelly / Lowe 1920s/30s
OB Conference Notes
- Report of three days' Meetings for Prayer and Addresses on the sure word of Prophecy; held in Freemasons' Hall, May 9th, 10th, and 12th, 1864. (143 pp)
Published by William Yapp
- Report of three days' Meetings for Prayer and Addresses on the subject of The Lord's Coming, held in Freemasons' Hall, May 30th, 31st, & June 1st, 1865 (143 pp)
Published by William Yapp
- The Upper Clapton Series by J. Denham Smith, T. Shuldham Henry and Others (1870, 385 pp)
- Dublin Addresses: As Delivered at Several of the Half-Yearly Believers' Meetings in Dublin from 1862 to 1872, with an Outline of their History by C.R. Hurditch (1872, 344 pp)
- Truth in Season: Notes of Addresses at Annual Meetings of Christians, at Teignmouth, 1871-72 (83 pp)
Published by Yapp & Hawkins
- The Coming of the Lord: Sixteen Addresses on "The Blessed Hope," Delivered at Freemasons' Hall (1877, 187 pp)
Published by James Hawkins
- Notes of Conferences held at Waterloo House, Leominster during the year 1884 (1884, 162 pp)
- Fundamental Truths: Being a Series of Addresses Delivered at Conferences of Christians at Clapton Hall (1888, 182 pp) 1
Other Collections
- A Dictionary of the Proper Names of the Old and New Testament Scriptures by J. B. Jackson (0001, 123 pp)
- The Dates and Chronology of Scripture (1870, 149 pp)
- A New and Concise Bible Dictionary (Morrish Bible Dictionary) - Part 1 by George Morrish (1897, 444 pp)
- A New and Concise Bible Dictionary (Morrish Bible Dictionary) - Part 2 by George Morrish (1897, 466 pp) 16
- The Story of our English Bible by Walter Scott (225 pp)
- Under Three Tsars: Liberty of Conscience in Russia, 1856-1909 by Robert Sloan Latimer (1909, 298 pp) 1
- A Concise History of the Church: From the Apostolic Era to the Establishment of the Reformation by Alfred E. Knight (579 pp) 2
- Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types by Walter Lewis Wilson (1958, 518 pp) 1
- A Brief Synopsis of the Public History of the Church by G. H. Stuart Price (1950, 70 pp) 1
- Dictionary of Bible Proper Names by Cyrus A. Potts (1922, 279 pp)
- Egypt: As Seen in Scripture and on the Monuments (1882, 411 pp)
- A List of Proper Names Occurring in the Old Testament with Their Interpretations. Principally Compiled from Simonis and Gesenius (149 pp)
- Scripture Proper Names and Their Interpretations: With the Chief Typical Persons, Places and Things in the Old and New Testaments by John Ritchie (48 pp)
- A Dictionary of Some of the More Common Biblical Words and Phrases With an Attempt to Give Their True Scriptural Meaning (103 pp) 1
- The Gospel According to Matthew (1865, 149 pp)
- The Gospel According to John (1867, 163 pp)
- The Acts of the Apostles (1867, 163 pp)
- The Gospels, Acts, Epistles and Book of Revelation: Commonly Called the New Testament. A New Translation from a Revised Text of the Greek Original. Second Edition, Revised (1871, 449 pp)
- The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments - Translated from the Original Texts - Part 1: Genesis to Joshua (1883, 276 pp)
- The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments - Translated from the Original Texts - Part 2: Judges to Esther (1884, 288 pp)
- The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments - Translated from the Original Texts - Part 3: Job to Canticles (1886, 198 pp)
- The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments - Translated from the Original Texts - Part 4: Isaiah to Malachi (1888, 260 pp)
- The Gospels, Acts, Epistles and Book of Revelation: Commonly Called the New Testament. A New Translation from a Revised Text of the Greek Original. Third Edition, Revised (1884, 384 pp) 1
General (Stuart Section)
- Some Old Testament Parables: being Bible Readings given at Portstewart and Addresses on New Testament Principles by John Stuart Holden (139 pp)
- Sheaves After Harvest by Andrew A. Bonar (137 pp)
- Illustrated Leaflets - A Collection of 42 Gospel Tracts (181 pp)
Published by The Publishing Office, 40 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow
- Illustrated Leaflets: 43-62 (1884, 91 pp)
Published by The Publishing Office, 40 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow
- Gospel Tracts: New Series 17-32 (103 pp)
- I don't believe in Your Way by J.M.S. (8 pp)
Published by The Publishing Office, 40 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow
- This belongs to Me by G.B. (8 pp)
Published by The Publishing Office, 40 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow
- No Danger (16 pp)
Published by The Publishing Office, 40 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow
- Plain Words for Young Christians (41 pp)
- Gathered Sheaves of Golden Grain (1878, 325 pp)
The texts, hymns, and other contents of ten years' issues of the Golden Grain Almanack & Christian's Text Book
- The Romance of Redemption: Studies in the Book of Ruth by Alfred Mathieson (68 pp)
- Revival and 'Tongues' by J.H. Large (1965, 12 pp)
- "Whose Faith Follow" by W.R. Lewis (1938, 24 pp)
- Beyond the Tomb. Or, What About Purgatory? by T.E. Stacey (15 pp)
- Truths for Believers (301 pp) 1
- Sequel to "Debt:" A Word to Christians (8 pp)
- Public Prayer; Affectionately Addressed to All Who Take Part in Prayer Meetings (8 pp)
- The Servant of God (4 pp) 2
- The Pattern Assembly or "Witnesses unto Me" by by Dr E A Martin (31 pp)
- Christian Discipleship; Its Privileges and Responsibilities by Algernon C. P. Coote (17 pp)
- Large Type Series. [Religious tracts.] no. 3, 9, 10, 18 (25 pp)
Published by William Yapp
- Noah - His Life and Times by Samuel W Jennings (1994, 217 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- Notes on the Epistle to the Hebrews by Dr W. J. Matthews (136 pp)
- God's Sanctuary: Tabernacle Meditations by C.H. Raven (1991, 354 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- The Severity of God. A Study of Judgment Human and Divine by David Ephraim Hart-Davies (124 pp)
- The Tabernacle, and Other Bible Object Lessons by William Peyton Partridge (74 pp)
- Who Will Go When The Lord Comes? `Selective Rapture' Theories Tested by Holy Scripture. by W.R. Lewis and E.W. Rogers (1952, 70 pp) 1
- Reverence and Other Addresses by Alex Ross (61 pp)
- My Reasons for Not Being Free to Engage in Inter-Denominational Service by William Trew (1954, 12 pp)
- Tabernacle Types and Teachings by W.S. Martin and A. Marshall (144 pp)
- Assembly Service by P.W. Petter (93 pp) 7
- Jacob's Service... A Word to the Lord's Servants by Richard F. Varder (8 pp)
- Helps In The Word: Bible Readings and Expositions on Bible Subjects (217 pp) 1
- By What Authority: Leadership and Discipline in the House of God by W.S. Penfold (1989, 72 pp) 1
- Golden Bells and Pomegranates by Lucy Taylor (30 pp)
- The Four living Creatures and the Wheels within a Wheel by William M. Horsey (23 pp)
- Notes of Readings at Seattle, Washington (1920, 58 pp)
- Creation by G.H. Gilmer (1945, 32 pp)
- Strangers & Pilgrims: A Study of Genesis by V. Paul Flint (1988, 245 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 1
- The Wonder of the Book by Prof. Dyson Hague (16 pp)
- Christ and Glory: Addresses Delivered at the New York Prophetic Conference, Carnegie Hall, November 25–28, 1918 by Arno C. Gaebelein (1918, 250 pp)
- The Divine Mystery by Joseph Reader (1980, 80 pp) 1
- A Threefold Cord: Creation, Revelation, Inspiration, and the Purpose of the Ages by R.B. Wallace (1963, 194 pp) 1
- Jewish Holy Days: Their Prophetic and Christian Significance by Coulson Shepherd (1961, 95 pp)
- The Cure for Depression by Frank Louis Whitesell (1932, 92 pp) 1
- Notes of Addresses Given at the San Francisco Conference. Oct 17-21 1900 (1900, 110 pp)
- The Marriage Relationship: Comment on New Teachings Concerning It by S.S. (8 pp) 3
- Tracing Music Through The Bible by Frank H. Hamlin (30 pp)
- The Heart of God Towards Man and the Realities of Eternity Illuminated by the Seven Great Pictures Jesus Has Given Us in the Parables of Luke’s Gospel by C.H. Bright (8 pp)
- Are Christians Eternally Secure? by F. McCleave (1945, 34 pp)
- Notes of a Meeting at Atlanta, March 9th, 1886 (9th Mar 1886, 31 pp)
- Scripture Proof that the Christian Should Be Watching and Waiting for the Personal Return of the Lord Jesus Christ (15 pp)
- What is "Endeavouring to Keep the Unity of the Spirit"? (17 pp) 1
- God's Sovereign, Electing, Grace, and Man's So-Called Free Will (12 pp) 5
- Unscriptural Marriage, or the History of Ellen (47 pp)
- The Knowledge of God (27 pp) 1
- The Middling Man (8 pp) 4
- The Hiding Place (34 pp)
- The Lord's Supper. To the Children of God (30 pp) 1
- E-- The Infidel; or, What Shall it Profit? (19 pp) 5
- Is the office or ministry of the Dissenting minister to be found in the Scriptures? (24 pp) 1
- The Testimony of Scripture Concerning Christian Ministry and Office in the Church (1847, 91 pp) 1
- The Death of Judge Talfourd: A Letter Addressed to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen (1854, 13 pp) 1
- A New Heresy, entitled "The Mormonites," and by themselves, "The Latter-day Saints," has Lately Appeared. The Following is believed to be a True Account of its Origin (2 pp) 1
- On Apostolic Succession, with Some Introductory Remarks On the Special Character of the Present Dispensation (47 pp)
- The Contrast between the Jewish Dispensation and the Present One, in Two Letters to a Friend. (1842, 27 pp) 1
- “Babylon the Great:” What is she? Where is she? And what is it to “Come out of her?” by Philax (1862, 31 pp) 1
- Twenty plain Questions to Believers, etc (circa 1860, 23 pp) 1
- Plain Papers on Subjects of Present Necessity and Eternal Importance (1868, 247 pp)
- The Coming of the Lord; A Dialogue Between Two Brothers (circa 1860, 20 pp) 1
- An Inquiry into the Doctrine of a General Judgment, and into what is Revealed as to the Christian Appearing before the Judgment-Seat of Christ (32 pp)
- The Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks of Daniel and its Fulfilment (18 pp)
- The Second Appearing and Personal Reign of the Lord Jesus Christ: A Discourse on "Thy Kingdom Come"-Matt. VI.10 (1839, 22 pp) 3
- The Talmud: Being a Reply to a Late Article [by E. O. M. Deutsch] in the “Quarterly Review.” (1868, 39 pp)
- The Saviour's Errand. Being Notes of a Lecture on Luke Xviii. to Xix. 10 (37 pp) 1
- When and How Ought I to Expect my Lord?. (1867, 16 pp)
- Is there any Likeness or Identity between the so-called Ministers of these days and the Elders of Scripture? (1865, 23 pp)
- A Sketch of the Order of Events of the Last Week of Daniel's Seventy (14 pp) 3
- Music in Apostolic Days (4 pp)
- Many are Called, Few Chosen (13 pp)
- Election (8 pp)
- The Salvation of Your Soul; Questions and Answers about Salvation (14 pp)
- The Three Appearings (18 pp) 4
- A Catechism on the Four Great and Universal Empires, and the Kingdom by which they will be Succeeded, as mentioned in the Book of the Prophecies of Daniel (1840, 9 pp) 1
- The Seven Cries of the Redeemer on the Cross (18 pp) 1
- The Christian and Politics (24 pp)
- The Story of Cripple Tom (15 pp)
- The Jewish and Christian Dispensations Contrasted by H. (25 pp)
- Balaam Asking Counsel (9 pp) 1
- The Jew and His Daughter (14 pp)
- The Two Death Beds (22 pp) 4
- "That Blessed Hope" (8 pp)
- The Young Man's Book; Or, The Proverbs of Solomon (31 pp)
- Trumpets of Silver and Trumpets of Rams' Horns by U.U. (20 pp) 1
- Current Evangelisation, and the True Effect of the Gospel (21 pp)
- The Mercies of God (4 pp)
- The Ribband of Blue: A Word to Christians by H.H. (4 pp)
- Treasure in Earthen Vessels (28 pp) 1
- The Parables of Our Lord and What They Teach (132 pp)
- The Three Commissions of Matthew x; Matthew xxviii; and Gal. ii (12 pp)
- The Dishonesty of Unbelief Rom IX.22 (1858, 25 pp)
- The Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ, Translated from the Welsh (1844, 5 pp)
- The Great Crisis in the Life of Christ and Its Blessed Issues by An Old Merchant of Glasgow (1895, 75 pp)
- Fifteen Plain, Simple Proofs from Scripture, that the Believer is not Justified, or Accounted Righteous, by Christ's Keeping the Law, but by His death and Resurrection (15 pp) 3
- The Confessional (1853, 27 pp)
- Balaam's Parables. Numbers XXII—XXIV. (16 pp)
- Jacob's Prophecy on "The Last Days" - Genesis 49 (16 pp)
- The Kingdom of Heaven: What is it? (20 pp) 1
- Baptism (pub James Carter) (32 pp) 1
- On the Scriptures (circa 1840, 19 pp)
- One Body and One Spirit (4 pp)
- The Peace of God (12 pp)
- The Schismatic Tendency of Sectional Membership (circa 1838, 8 pp)
- The Sin of Christians as Church Members (circa 1840, 8 pp)
- The Waters of Noah (circa 1840, 4 pp)
- A Few Remarks on the Book of Revelation (circa 1840, 12 pp)
- Millennarianism (35 pp)
- The Pandect (4 pp)
- What Has God Said Concerning Turkey and Russia? With a Glance at Palestine Past and Present (63 pp)
Book Series
- 4 - The Mystery (The Church of God) By Richard Holden & The Kingdom of Heaven by Samuel Ridout (77 pp) 1
- 7 - The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit: Seven Lectures by S. Ridout (228 pp)
- 9 - Staff and Sceptre - Six Addresses on Some of the principal scenes in the life of David by C. Knapp (1899, 124 pp)
- 10 - Creation in Genesis and in Geology by F.W. Grant (59 pp)
- 23 - Light for Anxious Souls in Some of their Difficulties by George Cutting (100 pp) 3
- 39 - Meditations on the Song of Songs by Harry Friend (115 pp) 1
- 40 - The Time of Harvest (Ruth) by C. Knapp (55 pp)
- 53 - The Only Two Religions and Other Gospel Papers by H.A. Ironside (97 pp) 0
- 76 - The Sea of Galilee BCG. Alone With Jesus PJL, In the Pharisee's House, & A Coal from the Altar FWG (40 pp)
- 79 - Holiness, The False and the True by H.A. Ironside (89 pp) 1
- 81 - How to Study the Bible by S. Ridout (274 pp)
- 84 - The Person of Christ as Revealed in the Scriptures by S. Ridout (33 pp)
- 93 - The Three Appearings by C.H. Mackintosh (36 pp) 0
- 110 - Early Days: A Series of Letters Showing How the Spirit of God Led in the Recovery of Various Great Truths Relating to the Church, Some Ninety Years Ago. (52 pp)
- 129 - Christ and the Church by William Trotter (50 pp)
- 133 - Notes on the Epistle to the Hebrews by F.W. Grant (81 pp)
- 138 - Setting the Stage for the Last Act of the Great World Drama "The Times of the Gentiles" by H.A. Ironside (34 pp)
- 140 - Daniel and His Companions by C. Knapp (36 pp)
- 141 - Thoughts from Psalm 23 by P. Van Winkle (36 pp)
- 143 - The Mission of the Holy Spirit by H.A. Ironside (66 pp)
- 160 - Roger's Reasons by John Urquhart (34 pp)
- 164 - Simple Papers on the Christian Assembly by John Bloore (50 pp)
- 167 - Looking Backward Over a Third of a Century of Prophetic Fulfilment by H.A. Ironside (36 pp)
- 168 - Will the Church go through the Great Tribulation? by Robert A Laidlaw (18 pp)
- 190 - The Old, Old Story from the Old Testament by John Watt (194 pp)
- 195 - Death and After by John Bloore (48 pp)
- 197 - Striking Incidents in the Life of Moses by Roderick John Reid (84 pp)
- Two Neglected Books: Ruth and The Song of Solomon by John Watt (191 pp)
- 204 - Bodily Healing Since Pentecost, and "All Things" by Alex H. Stewart (36 pp) 1
- 207 - God's School and Other Papers by Alfred S. Loizeaux (111 pp)
- 208 - The Apostle Paul and his Missionary Labors by A.J. Pollock (113 pp)
- 213 - Afterward that Which is Spiritual by Alfred S. Loizeaux (1941, 58 pp)
- 214 - Destructive Critics (36 pp) 2
- 220 - The Virgin Birth of Our Lord by Earl H. Tschudy (79 pp)
- 232 - An Invitation Home . . . Plus the Fare by Charles Ernest Tatham (1945, 61 pp)
- 242 - The Wonderful Word of God by David Kirk (1947, 64 pp)
Tract Series
Striking Incidents Gospel Tract Series
Gospel Truth Series
"Echoes of Mercy" Series
"Sunrise" Series
"Welcome Messages" Series
- 1 - The Shout, the Voice, the Trump by William Robinson Hartridge (8 pp)
- 2 - The Revelation of Jesus Christ by William Robinson Hartridge (7 pp)
- 3,4 - Antichrist by William Robinson Hartridge (16 pp)
- 5,6 - The Foundation of the World by William Robinson Hartridge (16 pp)
- 7,8 - Has the Apocalypse been Fulfilled by William Robinson Hartridge (16 pp)
- 9,10 - Symbols by William Robinson Hartridge (15 pp)
- 9,10 - Symbols (2) by William Robinson Hartridge (15 pp)
- 17,18 - Spiritualism by William Robinson Hartridge (15 pp)
- 17,18 - Spiritualism (2) by William Robinson Hartridge (16 pp)
- 27 - The Second Advent by William Robinson Hartridge (7 pp)
- 37,38 - Title Deeds by William Robinson Hartridge (15 pp)
- 38,39 - Title Deeds by William Robinson Hartridge (16 pp)
- 52,53 - New Creation I (15 pp)
- 54,55,56 - New Creation II (23 pp)
- 73, 74 - Where does the Gospel of God begin? Part IV (16 pp) 1
- 83,84 - The Kingdom of God Part III (16 pp)
- 85,86 - The Kingdom of God Part IV (16 pp)
The Clapton Hall Series
- 1 - Things Written for Little Children in Christ by George Frederick Vallance (1925, 20 pp)
- 2 - Baptism and the Breaking of Bread by George Frederick Vallance (16 pp)
- 3 - The Church of God as a Body, Building, Bride by George Frederick Vallance (16 pp)
- 5 - Balaam, or Sinning Wilfully by George Frederick Vallance (16 pp)
- 9 - Our Future and the Lord's Coming by H.P. Barker (1926, 16 pp)
- 4 - Volume 1 (Helps For Young Christians) (1926, 100 pp) 1
- A1 - Seven Links of Help For Daily Guidance by George Frederick Vallance (8 pp)
- A2 - Wheels Within Wheels, or, Proving an Unqualified Promise (Part 1) by Ernest Barker (12 pp)
- A3 - Wheels Within Wheels, or, Proving an Unqualified Promise (Part 2). by Ernest Barker (12 pp)
- 11 - Wonderful Journeys in the Fields of Scripture - Part 1 by Walter Scott (16 pp)
- 12 - The Bible And How To Read It by H.P. Barker (16 pp)
- A4 - Satan's Opposition to Christ by W.W. Fereday (16 pp)
- A6 - The Smitten Rock, or, Calvary and Pentecost by J. H. McCormick (16 pp)
- A7 - The Great Tribulation by J. H. McCormick (16 pp)
- A17 - Will Millions Now Living Never Die? by George Frederick Vallance (16 pp)
- B1 - Suggestions Concerning Personal Bible Study by Ernest Barker (22 pp)
- 15 - The Golden Key of History. A Study of the Epistle to the Romans by James A. Anderson (16 pp)
- 16 - Jachin and Boaz, Or, Shining Witnesses by Harold F. G. Cole (16 pp)
- 18 - Zacharias and Elisabeth, Or, Filled with the Holy Ghost. by H.P. Barker (16 pp)
- 19 - God's Picture Gallery of Faith, Or, A Study of Hebrews XI by J. H. McCormick (16 pp)
- 20 - Is The Believer Eternally Secure or Not? by Ernest Barker (16 pp)
- 21 - True Disciples: Their Leader & The Pathway by John Thomas Mawson (16 pp)
- 22 - When The King Returns in Glory: Or The Judgment of the Living Nations by J. H. McCormick (16 pp)
- 24 - Laying Hold of God's Purpose by H. Ernest Marsom (16 pp)
- 23 - The Tongues Movement and The Movement of the Tongue by Ernest Barker (16 pp)
- 26 - Mortification & The Two Natures by Thomas Baird (16 pp)
- 25 - In his Steps, Or, “Following After” by Evelyn G. Greenslade (16 pp)
- 27 - Removing Mountains by H.A. Ironside (16 pp)
- 28 - Angels. Who Are They? What is Their Work? by H.P. Barker (16 pp)
- 30 - What Christ is to the Believer, and What the Believer is to Christ by Ernest Barker (16 pp)
- 31 - The Fundamentals Clearly Stated by George Frederick Vallance (1928, 16 pp)
- 32 - The Faithful Six Hundred, Or David's Mighty Men by S. H. Pugh (16 pp)
- 33 - The Widow's Mites by George Frederick Vallance (1928, 16 pp)
- 34 - Joseph: A Type of Christ. Part 1, Hated and Harassed (16 pp)
- 35 - Joseph: A Type of Christ. Part 2, Exalted & Esteemed by Ernest Barker (16 pp)
- 36 - Joseph: A Type of Christ. Part 3, Revealed & Revered by Ernest Barker (16 pp)
- 37 - The Book of Ruth - Part 1 by George Frederick Vallance (16 pp)
- 38 - The Book of Ruth - Part 2 by George Frederick Vallance (16 pp)
- 39 - The Book of Ruth - Part 3 by George Frederick Vallance (16 pp) 1
- 40 - Tabernacle Treasures - Part 1 by Harold F. G. Cole (16 pp)
- 41 - Tabernacle Treasures - Part 2 by Harold F. G. Cole (16 pp)
- 42 - Tabernacle Treasures - Part 3 by Harold F. G. Cole (15 pp)
- 43 - The Philippian Believers. Part 1 - Their Position by Ernest Feasey (16 pp)
- 44 - The Philippian Believers. Part 2 - Their Example by Ernest Feasey (16 pp)
- 45 - The Philippian Believers. Part 3 - Their Privilege by Ernest Feasey (16 pp)
- The Great Earthquake (circa 1845, 9 pp)
- Friend and Traveller (1844, 5 pp)
- The Rejected Stone (circa 1845, 5 pp)
- Naaman, The Syrian (circa 1845, 9 pp)
- The Blood on the Mercy-Seat (circa 1845, 5 pp)
- Herod the Tetrarch (circa 1845, 9 pp)
- The Cities of Refuge (circa 1845, 9 pp)
- The Two Thieves (circa 1845, 9 pp)
- The Heart's Ease (circa 1845, 5 pp)
- The Serpent of Brass (circa 1845, 5 pp) 1
- The Serpent of Brass (8 pp)
- The Place of Safety (circa 1845, 7 pp)
- The Unknown God (circa 1845, 9 pp)
- Short Measure. (Prov. xvi. 11) (circa 1845, 5 pp)
- Two Tracts; "The Kindness of God" and "What is a Christian" (9 pp) 1
- Come and See (1844, 9 pp)
- Truth and Grace; or, Leprosy Proved and Leprosy Cleansed. Matt. vii. 28-viii. 4 (13 pp)
- "A Just God, and a Saviour" (John Viii, 1-11) by J.N. Darby (circa 1845, 5 pp)
- Affectionately Addressed to all Christians (4 pp)
- Heart's Ease (4 pp)
- The True Light (4 pp)
- Do You Love Jesus? (2 pp)
- "Why Will Ye Die?" (2 pp)
- The Leper (2 pp)
- The Compassion of God (4 pp)
- "Revellings and Such Like" (4 pp)
- Come and See (Psalm 66: 5,6) (8 pp)
- Repentance (12 pp)
- Poor Richard (6 pp) 2
- Christ Between the Two Thieves (6 pp)
- Behold, He Cometh with Clouds (2 pp)
- Almost and Altogether (4 pp)
- Sin, its Punishment, and its Remedy by Catholicus (4 pp)
- A Few Words on Repentance (4 pp)
- The Christian Nazarite (1845, 11 pp)
- "Arise, and be baptised, and wash away thy sins." - Acts xxii. 16 (circa 1840, 4 pp)
- Confirmation - Addressed to Christian Parents (circa 1840, 12 pp)
- Fragments Gathered Up. Numberx xxx. (circa 1840, 4 pp)
- A Word to Every Truly Religious Person in England and Ireland (1838, 4 pp)
- Journal ... During a Journey from London to Bagdad by A.N. Groves (1831, 187 pp) 1
- Journal of a Residence at Bagdad: during the years 1830 and 1831 by A.N. Groves (1832, 337 pp)
- A Brief Account of the Present Circumstances of the Tinnevelly Mission by A.N. Groves (1835, 29 pp)
- The Present State of the Tinevelley Mission. Second Edition Enlarged, with an Historical Preface and Reply to Mr. Strachan's Criticisms; and Mr. Rhenius's (farewell) Letter to the Church Missionary Society (after Receiving His Dismissal) by A.N. Groves (1836, 37 pp)
- Memoir of the late Anthony Norris Groves by Harriet Baynes (1857, 578 pp)
- Memoir of Anthony Norris Groves: Compiled Chiefly from His Journals and Letters; to which is Added a Supplement, Containing Recollections of Miss Paget, and Accounts of Missionary Work in India, Etc by Harriet Baynes (1869, 677 pp)
- Anthony Norris Groves: Saint and Pioneer by G.H. Lang (1949, 353 pp) 4