Brethren Archive

American Darby Letterbook - Page: 120


this work is the Lord’s & He can do it. I have been very busy in New York & think to return there, & there is a Canadian London, where the door is open, for my mere selfish feeling I should be glad to be awhile quiet & finish some study work. The Lord, I trust, will guide me. Hitherto I have been helped here, & if the work was well founded in one or two places I should be glad to leave it to others. Kind remembrances to all. I am glad the children have profited by Margate [seaside holiday resort on the Kentish coast]. Love to all the saints.


I am at present at West Townsend, Massachusetts for a little reading meeting & seeing some saints that are in progress.

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Received June 17, 65       F.G.Brown’s, West Townsend, Mass.

Dearest Stoney,

I have often thought of Tom, & indeed inquired & I am very glad he has inquired of me. I shall be very glad to hear of him, & how glad to hear that his conscience is before God. I look upon his fall as a very grave one, all such falls are grave, but this seemed to mark levity as to conscience. What I should look for above all now is a thorough work in his conscience that we may know that there was something real. I hope I may hear something of him, & real good.

I was very glad to hear of the brethren. Here I am only in passage for a few days with our brother Brown, of whom you will have heard, to meet & also to read with a few to whom he has been blessed. I suppose we shall visit Boston.

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