Brethren Archive

American Darby Letterbook - Page: 21


Mr Darby was much amused when I read the letter to him last night. The gentleman proved to be ——. You know he is a Christian; he has expressed a desire to see Mr Darby when he goes to London.

The dear Grants, the ex-clergymen, were with us at Guelph. They are very dear faithful young men; quite unpretending and intelligent, are both fully in the work, and have given up everything for the Lord’s sake. One of them, Robert, and I preached in the little island I spoke of above, on the Sunday at Guelph; the people of the town came down in great numbers, having heard that we were to have a baptism, which was a mistake; but I trust there was no mistake in what they heard at the island. At the same time dear Bennett, of Brantford, was preaching in the town and the other Grant in another place.

Will you mention the case of these dear Grants to the beloved Brethren at —— Street. I have asked George to name them at Birmingham. Robert has been preaching to the Indians near Brantford, and passed through Hamilton on Monday, on his way up to Collingwood, where he is going to labour for some time. But, to return to Guelph, when the general meeting was over and the greater part had returned to their homes, some afar off, a little company of us remained for a few days longer. Mr Darby lectured at the brethren’s meeting-room at night, and he had time to go round to visit the brethren in the immediate neighbourhood, we then took our departure


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