Brethren Archive

Waiting Upon God.

by William Arthur Garratt

WHEN the Lord bids us “Stand still,” self would whisper, “Go forward.”  We fain would be up and doing, ever busy in the great harvest-field, so much so that there is ofttimes a danger of our becoming “cumbered about much serving,” instead of patiently waiting to learn first, our Father’s will in every detail of His service.  What need to wonder then, at the lack of blessing, the want of power, and alas! the scant results which so often characterise the labours of many a child of God?  In the midst of our busy hurryings to and fro, comes the Word from the Master Himself, “Wait on the Lord” (Ps. xxvii. 14); and with it the blest promise, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength” (Isa. xl. 31).  Here is the secret of success; here too, the restorative power which causes us to mount up on eagle wings, to run with steps unwearied, to walk and not faint; and while our restless hearts might deem time so spent as lost, we are verily progressing in the fullest sense of the Word.  “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.”  Who among us as labourers in His vineyard has not been conscious of failure—yea, and of grievous failure too?  Have we realised, when love ebbs low, and “the fine gold has become dim” from constant intercourse with a world of sin, what it is to wait on God, and, turning aside from the turmoil around, come apart into the secret of His presence, and there, basking beneath the cloudless sunshine of His face, to draw from our unfailing Source, the supply which meets our utmost need?
Beloved, let us hie to the trysting-place, and there meet with God.  As Moses, for forty days and forty nights communed in secret with Jehovah on Sinai’s mount, so may you and I do likewise if we would learn of Him, and then go forth with the light of His glory still resting upon us to testify for Him.
Glenvar.   W. A. G.
“Footsteps of Truth” 1886

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