Brethren Archive
The Year 1970

This is NOT the Bible

by Frederick Albert Tatford

18 pages.

This item is still under copyright until 2056 so can not be published at the present time. Snippets may appear on the search page.

Jonathan said ...
Copyright laws are utterly ridiculous! 2056!
Thursday, Jun 3, 2021 : 22:07
Tom said ...
Well it's 70 years after the author's death .. usually I go by the rule that if it is not marked copyright (to the author), as 90% of 'Brethren' books aren't, and there is reasonable ground to assume the author would be happy for his works to be progated then I will put it up, even if technically still in copyright. Sadly in this case most the scans are marked copyright so for now I have kept them hidden. Maybe a family member will see at some point and wave the green light for public access.
Friday, Jun 4, 2021 : 05:32

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