Brethren Archive

John Alfred Trench

Born: 5th February 1839
Died: 28th March 1922
Appears in Trench / Anderson / Grimston Family Tree

Birth Location
Dublin, Ireland
Death Location
Winscales House, Workington, Cumberland, England

Intro, Biographical Information, Notes etc:

Roger Holden said ...
The involvement of John Alfred Trench in the 1859-63 Revival suggests that at that time he was among the Open Brethren. But later he and his brother James Currie Trench were leaders in the Exclusive Meeting in Sligo, who for this reason were known locally as Trenchities. They sided with Glanton in 1908. The Exclusive Meeting in Sligo seems to have come into existence between 1861 and 1871 so may have been founded by the Trench brothers. Does anybody known anything more about him and the origins of the meeting in Sligo?
Friday, Jan 3, 2025 : 04:55

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