Brethren Archive

Thoughts on the Lord's Supper

by R. Elliott

Olusola Joseph Dada said ...
God bless you
Sunday, Aug 1, 2021 : 23:11
Mark Best said ...

Some pamphlets written by Russell Elliott have recently appeared on the "What's New" pages of this website, and on looking at others of his earlier placed on it, I came across this one. It makes interesting reading considering some recent teachings on the Lord's Table. 

I draw attention to his statement, "The Lord's Table is part and parcel of Christianity itself; and every true believer is a partaker of the Lord's Table, whether he actually partakes of the Supper or not." There is ambiguity in the word "partaker" but I might otherwise say that every true believer is embraced in the communion of the Lord's Table, understanding it a chief point in the "Brethren Movement." Are we now departing from this?

I shall defer commenting on his pamphlet on Baptism. 

Tuesday, Jan 7, 2025 : 18:26
Syd said ...

Mark, there need be no ambiguity, because the difference between partakers (metecho) in 1 Cor 10:17 and partakers (koinonos) in 1 Cor 10:18, is found also in Heb 2:14, where “took part” (metecho) shows the uniqueness of the Manhood of Christ, against that of the flesh and nature of man. All believers are part (or partakers – metecho) of the one body; part of that one bread.

One should perhaps say that understanding it (the Lord’s Table) is the chief point in 1 Cor 10 rather than understanding it as from the “Brethren Movement” because some may reject any teaching of the movement.

Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025 : 01:53

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