Brethren Archive

Letters of Interest

1934 to 1996

Edited by:  William G. McCartney (to Apr 1861)

Published by\in: Wheaton, IL

Published from July 1934 to June 1996. It's former name was "Letters of Interest from the Home Field." According to Manchester Library the magazine had been continued as "Interest" since 1969 until it's end.
I'm told: "A fascinating magazine which is very hard to obtain in the UK. – organ of the Chapel assemblies in North America."

See also "Interest Ministries - Celebrating 60 Years of Service to God's Servants and Ministries" (1994)

  1. 32.11 - 1967 (Tribute to A.P. Gibbs)
  2. 10 - 1945
  3. 11 - 1946
  4. 12 - 1947
  5. 13 - 1948
  6. 14 - 1949
  7. 15 - 1950
  8. 16 - 1951
  9. 17 - 1952
  10. 18 - 1953 (Missing September issue.)
  11. 25 - 1960 (Starts from Oct 59)
  12. 26 - 1961
  13. 27 - 1962
  14. 28 - 1963
  15. 29 - 1964
  16. 37 - 1972
  17. 38 - 1973
  18. 39 - 1974
  19. 40 - 1975
  20. 41 - 1976
  21. 61.6 - 1996
  22. Type: MyCommentFolder
  23. 42 - 1977
  24. 43 - 1978
  25. 44 - 1979
  26. 45 - 1980
  27. 46 - 1981
  28. 47 - 1982
  29. 48 - 1983
  30. 49 - 1984
  31. 50 - 1985
These files are free to download but for personal use only and not re-publication. Thank-you!

Tom said ...

I have a full set of scans from 1965 to the end which I haven't put up yet, partly because I generally don't do material to close to present for privacy / copyright concerns, also cause it takes some time to go through these scans and prepare them. I may put another five or ten years up sometime. 

The last issue is interesting, giving some history of the publication. In the latter years it evidently ran into a lot of dispute with the Assemblies, as it seems to have become quite broad church and operated a 'consulting' service to help struggling assemblies (some of you will know what that entails!). I have a 66 page document "An Apology from INTEREST Ministries" from around 1991 which goes into these issues, with various correspondence. 

In the end it appears the increased cost of publication led to it's demise. Quite praiseworthy that it was always distributed free without charge, and only voluntary contributions, but in the end this led to it's demise. A smaller newsletter "News of Interest" took it's place (maybe after a few months gap.)

This newspaper article also relevant;

Friday, Sep 7, 2018 : 00:48
Tom said ...



Gives the editors;

Friday, Sep 7, 2018 : 01:09
anonymous said ...
Does any man have letters of interest from 1985 they can send to me as upload? Thank you. I can provide my contact privately.
Saturday, Nov 23, 2019 : 00:31
Tom said ...
I have it in single issues scanned - though we don't put recent ones volumes on the website - you can email me if you want.
Saturday, Nov 23, 2019 : 00:49
Sandra Lavallee said ...
I could use a copy of the page from the March 1971 issue of Letters of Interest that contains the commendations. I was commended to the Lord's work in Quebec by the assembly in Rutherford, NJ under my maiden name, Sandra Lucas. I kept the article itself, but not the page it appeared on. Just curious as to what else was on that page. For my personal records.
Tuesday, Nov 9, 2021 : 10:23

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