Brethren Archive
The Year 1854

The Death of Judge Talfourd: A Letter Addressed to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen

Syd said ...

Believers in Christ are exhorted to “pray for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1Tim 2:2). This anonymous writer did just that—a prayer in the form of a letter to the Queen. Oh that Christians in all countries may find it in their hearts to supplicate the throne of grace for God’s mercy among rulers; indeed, all men.

The writer’s description of the condition of the sinner—ruler and subject alike—is striking, presenting the whole truth of the Scriptures (see also

“It is written, that so fallen, degraded, and ruined are all men by nature, having hearts filled indeed with the deepest emotions—minds stored with knowledge, profound in its depths—and intellect, able to soar into the boundless regions of nature, science, art—yet has sin so blighted its affections, that this poor heart is incapable of loving God; and so darkened the understanding, that it also is equally devoid of all true knowledge of God: and, alas! this alienated heart becomes a REBEL: instead of knowing, it misunderstands and perverts—instead of loving, it hates God—to whom indebted for natural, organic, physical life—to HIM alone, as the CREATOR, it should yield implicit obedience: and this, please your Majesty, is not the case of a few—of a class—but all, ALL, every one—from the enthroned sovereign to the poorest and the most abject subject of the realm. No ordinances can change this disposition— no priest can truly pronounce its absolution—no religion enlighten the darkness, or remove the enmity of the natural, UNIVERSAL heart. As then, void of understanding, affections alienated, rebellious against God, ‘dead in trespasses and sins,’ (Eph 2:11) man, all men—everywhere—are utterly ruined and undone.”

And then he gives the good news of what God has done—“Into the midst of this sin, ruin, and death, the Lord Jesus Christ, the blessed Son of God, came; for—O wondrous truth! boundless grace!—God, Almighty God, ‘the high and lofty One who inhabiteth eternity, whose name is holy’ loved and, notwithstanding their sins, still loves sinners: yea, ‘He so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’” (John 3:16).

Tuesday, Feb 28, 2023 : 22:46

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