Unknown Author Scripture Proof that the Christian Should Be Watching and Waiting for the Personal Return of the Lord Jesus Christ (15 pp) What is "Endeavouring to Keep the Unity of the Spirit"? (17 pp) 1 God's Sovereign, Electing, Grace, and Man's So-Called Free Will (12 pp) 5 Unscriptural Marriage, or the History of Ellen (47 pp) The Knowledge of God (27 pp) 1 The Middling Man (8 pp) 4 The Hiding Place (34 pp) E-- The Infidel; or, What Shall it Profit? (19 pp) 5 Is the office or ministry of the Dissenting minister to be found in the Scriptures? (24 pp) 1 The Testimony of Scripture Concerning Christian Ministry and Office in the Church (1847, 91 pp) 1 The Death of Judge Talfourd: A Letter Addressed to Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen (1854, 13 pp) 1 A New Heresy, entitled "The Mormonites," and by themselves, "The Latter-day Saints," has Lately Appeared. The Following is believed to be a True Account of its Origin (2 pp) 1 On Apostolic Succession, with Some Introductory Remarks On the Special Character of the Present Dispensation (47 pp) The Contrast between the Jewish Dispensation and the Present One, in Two Letters to a Friend. (1842, 27 pp) 1 “Babylon the Great:” What is she? Where is she? And what is it to “Come out of her?” by Philax (1862, 31 pp) 1 Twenty plain Questions to Believers, etc (circa 1860, 23 pp) 1 Plain Papers on Subjects of Present Necessity and Eternal Importance (1868, 247 pp) The Coming of the Lord; A Dialogue Between Two Brothers (circa 1860, 20 pp) 1 An Inquiry into the Doctrine of a General Judgment, and into what is Revealed as to the Christian Appearing before the Judgment-Seat of Christ (32 pp) The Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks of Daniel and its Fulfilment (18 pp) The Second Appearing and Personal Reign of the Lord Jesus Christ: A Discourse on "Thy Kingdom Come"-Matt. VI.10 (1839, 22 pp) 3 *Incomplete
The Talmud: Being a Reply to a Late Article [by E. O. M. Deutsch] in the “Quarterly Review.” (1868, 39 pp) The Saviour's Errand. Being Notes of a Lecture on Luke Xviii. to Xix. 10 (37 pp) 1 When and How Ought I to Expect my Lord?. (1867, 16 pp) Is there any Likeness or Identity between the so-called Ministers of these days and the Elders of Scripture? (1865, 23 pp) A Sketch of the Order of Events of the Last Week of Daniel's Seventy (14 pp) 3 Music in Apostolic Days (4 pp) Many are Called, Few Chosen (13 pp) Election (8 pp) The Salvation of Your Soul; Questions and Answers about Salvation (14 pp) The Three Appearings (18 pp) 4 A Catechism on the Four Great and Universal Empires, and the Kingdom by which they will be Succeeded, as mentioned in the Book of the Prophecies of Daniel (1840, 9 pp) 1 The Seven Cries of the Redeemer on the Cross (18 pp) 1 The Christian and Politics (24 pp) The Story of Cripple Tom (15 pp) The Jewish and Christian Dispensations Contrasted by H. (25 pp) Balaam Asking Counsel (9 pp) 1 The Jew and His Daughter (14 pp) The Two Death Beds (22 pp) 4 "That Blessed Hope" (8 pp) The Young Man's Book; Or, The Proverbs of Solomon (31 pp) Trumpets of Silver and Trumpets of Rams' Horns by U.U. (20 pp) 1 Current Evangelisation, and the True Effect of the Gospel (21 pp) The Mercies of God (4 pp) The Ribband of Blue: A Word to Christians by H.H. (4 pp) Treasure in Earthen Vessels (28 pp) 1 The Parables of Our Lord and What They Teach (132 pp) The Three Commissions of Matthew x; Matthew xxviii; and Gal. ii (12 pp) The Dishonesty of Unbelief Rom IX.22 (1858, 25 pp) The Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ, Translated from the Welsh (1844, 5 pp) The Great Crisis in the Life of Christ and Its Blessed Issues by An Old Merchant of Glasgow (1895, 75 pp) Fifteen Plain, Simple Proofs from Scripture, that the Believer is not Justified, or Accounted Righteous, by Christ's Keeping the Law, but by His death and Resurrection (15 pp) 3 The Confessional (1853, 27 pp) Balaam's Parables. Numbers XXII—XXIV. (16 pp) Jacob's Prophecy on "The Last Days" - Genesis 49 (16 pp) The Kingdom of Heaven: What is it? (20 pp) 1 Baptism (pub James Carter) (32 pp) 1 On the Scriptures (circa 1840, 19 pp) One Body and One Spirit (4 pp) The Peace of God (12 pp) The Schismatic Tendency of Sectional Membership (circa 1838, 8 pp) The Sin of Christians as Church Members (circa 1840, 8 pp) The Waters of Noah (circa 1840, 4 pp) A Few Remarks on the Book of Revelation (circa 1840, 12 pp) Millennarianism (35 pp) The Pandect (4 pp) What Has God Said Concerning Turkey and Russia? With a Glance at Palestine Past and Present (63 pp)