Brethren Archive

The Coming of Christ with his Saints, Preceded by the Resurrection and Rapture of the Church ...

by Sir Edward Denny

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Apostle David AKATAOBI said ...
The coming of Christ, I want to ask a question, I want to be more clarified concerning the issue of the rapture, and the resolution of the Dead, is it not after the rapture, the Antichrist will arise, then there is a comment I am seeing here which I want to really understand concerning the Dead, are they going to enjoy the blessings,the Dead will rise up when the trumpet will be sound, I want to understand more things concerning the rapture and Revelation 21
Tuesday, Jan 24, 2023 : 08:04
Syd said ...
Hallo David. I suggest that you read Sir Edward Denny's booklet that this chart accompanies. In the booklet you will find an explanation of the parts of the chart which may answer some of your questions. Read it carefully and go to all the Bible passages. If you still have some questions, I'm sure that someone will be able to help you. The booklet is on this site here -
Tuesday, Jan 24, 2023 : 22:05

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