Brethren Archive

Doctrines of the Church in Newman-Street Considered

by B.W. Newton

Tom said ...
Sunday, Oct 4, 2020 : 17:41
Samuel said ...
The first appearance of this famous pamphlet by BWN was in "The Christian Witness" 1835, page 111. When the second edition of "The Christian Witness" appeared, there was some alteration of the content of the article, without notification that this had been done.
The doctrinal differences in the two editions became important in the subsequent controversy about BWN's Christological errors. See for example "What are Mr. Newton's Present Doctrines as to the Human Nature and Relationships of the Lord Jesus Christ?
by W. Trotter.
Publishers: James Nisbet, London, J. B. Rowe, Plymouth. 1850. (can be seen on STEMPUBLISHING).

Monday, Oct 5, 2020 : 19:21

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