Brethren Archive

American Darby Letterbook - Page: 23


afterwards that, when we left, they continued their meetings, and one of them said that he had heard words that day which he should remember to his dying day.

You may remember my telling you of my former visit to ——, you will be glad to hear that he is preparing to send in his resignation of his appointment, leave the establishment and meet with brethren. He is a very superior young man, has been reading the tracts and well weighing the step he is about to take; perhaps if he had had more simple faith, he would not have spent so much time in weighing the matter as people say; his wife, a Christian, is also exercised about coming out. He has a nice farm in the neighbourhood. It was quite dark when we reached Brantford; and I doubt if Mr Darby had ever made a rougher journey than in part of the way at least, where the road was through the bush, or addressed such an audience; he was very happy that evening, but his poor eye, which had been ailing for some days became worse, and he was soon laid up with a bad attack. I had already arranged to go to Clinton, and accordingly left for that locality, leaving our beloved brother in the midst of the tenderest and most loving friends; I mean, of course, the brethren of Brantford. He told them one day, that he felt more at home there than in his own rooms at Islington.

We found the dear Moores at Clinton busy at their farm operations. On the Sunday most of the brethren

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