Arno Clemens Gaebelein
Born: 27th August 1861
Died: 25th December 1945
Intro, Biographical Information, Notes etc:
Books & Pamphlets:
- Prayer (1926, 111 pp)
- His Riches - Our Riches; A Gospel Message (76 pp)
- The Harmony of the Prophetic Word (214 pp)
- The Seven Parables; Matthew XIII - An Exposition (60 pp) 0
- Current Events in the Light of the Bible (1914, 220 pp)
- The Work of Christ; Past, Present, and Future (1913, 129 pp)
- Christ and Glory: Addresses Delivered at the New York Prophetic Conference, Carnegie Hall, November 25–28, 1918 (1918, 250 pp)
- The Lord of Glory (1910, 231 pp)
- The Jewish Question (1910, 147 pp) 1
- Studies in Prophecy (1918, 169 pp)
- "Hath God Cast Away His People" (1905, 281 pp) 1
- Studies in Zechariah (173 pp)
- The Prophet Joel; An Exposition (1909, 200 pp)
- The Gospel of Matthew; An Exposition - Volume 1 (1910, 320 pp)
- The Gospel of Matthew; An Exposition - Volume 2 (1907, 363 pp)
- God's Masterpiece; An Analytical Exposition of Ephesians 1-3 (1913, 148 pp)
- The Acts of the Apostles; An Exposition (1912, 443 pp) 1
- Ezekiel; An Analytical Exposition (1918, 360 pp)
- The Prophet Daniel (1911, 242 pp)
- The Book of Genesis (1912, 112 pp)
- The Revelation: An Analysis and Exposition of the Last Book of the Bible (1915, 220 pp) 0
- The Interval between the Coming of the Lord for His Saints and With His Saints. (1902, 20 pp)
- Christianity or Religion? A Study of the Origin and Growth of Religion and the Supernaturalism of Christianity (1927, 176 pp)
- Martin Boos, the Gospel Preaching Priest: A Brief Biography (78 pp) 1
- The History of the Scofield Reference Bible (81 pp) 4
- The Book of Psalms: A Devotional and Prophetic Commentary (1939, 506 pp) 1
- The Healing Question: An Examination of the Claims of Faith-Healing and Divine Healing Systems in the Light of the Scriptures and History (1925, 132 pp) 1
- The Gospel of John: A complete Analytical Exposition of the Gospel of John (1925, 414 pp) 1
- The Angels of God (1924, 116 pp)
- Meat in Due Season: Three Addresses as Given at the Sea Cliff Bible Conference (56 pp)
- Moses — His First and Second Coming (1940, 182 pp) 0
- Types in Joshua (52 pp)
- Unsearchable Riches; An Analytical Exposition of the Ephesian Epistle (1928, 161 pp)
- Half a Century: The Autobiography of a Servant (1930, 266 pp) 0
- The Return of the Lord; What the New Testament teaches about the second coming of Christ ... (1925, 125 pp)
- The Olivet Discourse: Matthew 24 and 25. (128 pp)
- The Holy Spirit in the New Testament (115 pp) 0
- Listen! - God Speaks (1936, 179 pp)
- Meat In Due Season - Sermons, Discourses And Expositions of the Word of Prophecy (227 pp)
- The Hope of the Ages: The Messianic Hope in Revelation, in History and in Realization (1938, 189 pp) 0
- The Conflict of the Ages: The Mystery of Lawlessness: its Origin, Historic Development and Coming Defeat (1933, 171 pp) 2
- As it Was--So Shall it be: Sunset and Sunrise, A Study of the First Age and Our Present Age (1937, 188 pp)
- Maranatha Bells: The Blessed Hope in Prose and Poetry (1935, 126 pp)
- The Heavenly Guest, The Holy Spirit (32 pp) 2
- The Predicted End of the Age and Modern Day Delusions (16 pp)
- Gabriel and Michael the Archangel (1945, 142 pp)
- The Christ We Know ~ Meditations on the Person and Glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ (1927, 127 pp)
The Annotated Bible:
Other Info