Brethren Archive

J. G. Deck and the Cart Wheels


J. G. Deck and the Cart Wheels.
In the early part of the 19th century, James George Deck preached a great deal in the villages and towns of Devon and Somerset. It was a time when many precious souls were won for God through the preaching of the Gospel, and having been baptised as believers, were gathered unto the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ in Church fellowship according to Acts 2. 42. This aroused the enemy of souls, and he found willing hearts to oppose the truth.
On one occasion Mr. Deck was preaching at some little distance from his home and engaged a two-wheel dogcart to drive out to his engagement. Up hill and down dale he went and returned. Immediately on arriving at the home livery stable, the two wheels of the cart fell off outwards, and it was found that the two 1 inch pins (the pins at the end of the axle to keep the wheels in place) had been withdrawn before he set out, with the evident intention of causing an accident; but through the gracious care of a loving Heavenly Father, the cart had actually travelled many miles in the very steep hilly country of N. Devon, and the wheels miraculously had been kept in place. "The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him and delivereth them" (Psa. 34. 7). C. E. FRANCK.
"The Witness" 1933

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