Brethren Archive

The Way of Love.

by John Berry Mulock

IT has been laid upon my mind to give you a little incident of my own experience, that you may possibly be able to use in some of your articles in PURE STREAMS.  My little Joie, then eight years of age, went to Sunday-school, and had been charged to come directly home when it was out.  Preferring to have a ramble instead, in company with a boy of his own age, he scampered away from the other children, and was soon beyond the sight or knowledge of any of them.  Upon learning the fact, I at once started with horse and buggy, fully determined not to give up the search until I had brought back, and severely punished my child.  Not so, however.  I drove in the hot sun, over unbroken prairie, by-ways and ditches, first to where a large herd of cattle were grazing, then across to a friend's house, making inquiries all of the way, until completely exhausted by heat, anxiety, and fatigue, I gave up further pursuit, and returned to my home, giving myself as well as child up to the Lord, asking Him to direct as to my further course.  Accordingly, the most natural thing for me to do, was to lie down and give myself up to rest.  After a space of about an hour, I heard my door open softly, and my little unhappy boy entered, his face all suffused with tears, and without giving me a chance to speak, said, "Mamma will you forgive me for running away?  I don't know what made me so naughty, I am so sorry."  Do you think I had a word of censure or reproach?  No; all that I could do was to kiss, pity and show him my intense love.  Then I thought how like the father of the prodigal, and like our dear Saviour too.  We have only to own our naughtiness and see our need to receive His pitying smile of love and approbation.  When we condemn ourselves, He justifies.  J.B.M.
“Pure Streams For the Little Ones” 1878


Marty said ...
This J.B.M. cannot be John Berry Mulock, as he died without issue.
Monday, Jan 6, 2020 : 10:38

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