about 7.30, and found dear McKenzie with his carriage waiting for us, and Bell, also, who had left us at Quebec. The character of the greeting, and the mutual joy of the visitors and visited on that day I need not dwell upon; I only add, that the joy which is sealed by the Lord’s presence is joy indeed. We remained about a fortnight in Toronto, —meetings, of course, every day, the room at night sometimes quite filled. Mr D and I visited. How pleasant it was to take him to the dear ones who had known him, and been blessed through his ministry in England, but never expecting to see him again on earth.
On Tuesday the 20th of Sept we left for Guelph. The meeting there was arranged for the 25th. On that evening, the brethren and sisters began to arrive. Dear Arthur Wells provided beds in the house for upwards of thirty; and in the coach-house twenty more found comfortable quarters; others went to the hotels or to their friends in the town. A Wells’s house is in the country, about a mile from the town. Nearly one hundred broke bread on the Lord’s Day. The farthest points from which our friends came were Clinton in the west, near Lake Huron, and Quebec in the east. Dear Capt Scott represented Quebec. On the evening of the Lord’s Day, Mr Darby preached in the Town Hall to a large assembly; it was powerful and beautiful (subject 2 Cor. xii). Few there, I imagine had ever heard anything like it. At our meetings, we assembled at 9:30, and continued, with intervals, until about ten in the evening. The arrangements were all perfect. Outside,