Brethren Archive

American Darby Letterbook - Page: 20


the avenue had been gravelled since last summer’s meeting, and when tired we used to go down to the river’s side or into a little wooded island in the middle of the stream. The weather was beautiful the whole week. The portions we read were — Colossians, Epistles of John, Romans to the end of eleventh chapter, Ephesians and James. Capt Scott took notes, and so largely that they had not quite finished reading them at the meetings of Quebec when I last heard from him, a few days ago.

Some Christians in the establishment, who attended the meetings, have since come out; amongst them, Mr ——, son of ——, of Canada West who has had something to suffer for Christ’s sake. His wife, also, has since come out. A Mr and Mrs Merar, of Guelph, have also come out and are a comfort to dear Arthur Wells. I have just heard from him, that several others have lately been added, and more enquiring.

There was no one who welcomed us back with more joy than our beloved Mrs Lake, of Berlin. The other dear Berliners were there also. Yesterday we had a letter from Mrs Lake, inviting us to Berlin, whither we hope to go soon. She tells me, that, on her way back to Berlin from the Guelph meeting, a gentleman in the railway carriage asked a young man who was accompanying her to Berlin, who had been at the meeting (and, I trust, got blessing), whether he had been at the meeting of P Brethren at Guelph, of which he had just heard, and, on his replying in the affirmative, the gentleman inquired further what was the difference between the P Brethren, and the Church of England? The young man’s ready answer was “they live under the law, and we, under grace”.


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