called today—but I have received the deepest and profoundest conviction that the truth that brethren have been taught of God is the special testimony of God for these days and these are serious days, the last days. Our path is simple, to seek the good of souls, as much as lieth in us to live peaceably with all men, but hold fast to the testimony God has given us, keep His word and not deny His name; then I confess I look earnestly for devotedness in myself as well as in all; you need not fear my getting enamoured of their controversial pamphlets. I had such blessedness in Scripture in the revelation of God that though my mind is engaged in the reasoning when writing, or as long as the question is before me, it is all poor and wretched to me when once I have done with it even the truth that is there has less attraction in controversial shape. But one has to go through a kind of outward life, a life having God for its source, furnished with the truth, but which takes its form from the circumstances through which we have to pass; as soon as they are over the mind returns to its own relationship with God, only we have to take care that all is guided by the word of God in it. This was true of Christ, when tempted in the wilderness all was perfect according to the power of the Spirit and He returned in that power to Galilee; but His occupation, so to speak, in the conflict was with other things than His own joy or even the meat He had to eat even in service and so in our poor measure with us, special service and conflict to which we are led by the Spirit, but which is