Brethren Archive

O God, our Hearts are Lifted

by Arthur Cutting

O God, our hearts are lifted

To Thee, in grateful praise;

Responsive to Thy Spirit

A joyful song we raise;

For He Thy gracious purpose

In Christ to us has shown,

That now as sons before Thee.

His favour is our own

In nature’s darkness shrouded,

And dead in sins we lay,

Until Thy Holy Spirit

Transformed our night to day.

Awakened needs within us,

Begetting us anew,

And by love’s strong compelling,

Our souls to Jesus drew,

We trusted Him as Saviour,

When rest and peace we sought,

And now Thy Spirit seals us,

As those His blood has bought.

Made Thine He ne’er will leave us.

For He is pledged to stay,

As earnest of our portion,

Until redemption’s day.

Oh! may Thy Holy Spirit

Blest unction from on high,

With all His rich infilling,

Lead us to glorify

The risen Christ, our Saviour,

By loyal witness true,

Constraining us to serve Him

In all we say and do.


Gospel Tidings Hymn Book

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