Brethren Archive

Letter From a Veteran Evangelist

by W.T.P. Wolston

The following extract from a letter, written by the late Dr. W.T.P.Wolston, in 1907, to a young preacher, may prove useful to some who seek to serve the Lord now.

“My dear ——

Let me give you a word of counsel. You will have to read more, both God’s Word, and what Spirit-guided servants have written thereon. But you must winnow your reading, i.e. read what will open and furnish your mind with positive truth, not kickshaws or platform fireworks, a danger all young preachers are exposed to.

“To pray more we could all well afford.

“Then too you will have to be very separate in your religious associations—a snare you will be specially liable to fall under in these latitudinarian days.

“Many an otherwise useful brother has quite lost his power and influence among the saints by failing to truly walk in the separation he has professed with them.

“I shall regret to hear that you have got tripped up by this snare.

“A man with the gospel in his heart is laid open to this very easily, and of course loses the confidence of those who know and walk in the truth of the Church.

“God has given you a gift, use it in dependence on Him humbly and constantly and keep yourself out of sight.

“Imitate no man, be yourself, and use what you have gotten from God in prayer and communion.

“Never preach to please men, while always showing the spirit of grace to saint and sinner alike.

“Get your orders from God and carry them out faithfully while cultivating fellowship with your brethren in every possible way.

“‘Serve all, say little and pass on,’ were J.N.D.’s words. They form a good motto, and I give them to you for your life’s work.”


Edification 1939

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