Brethren Archive

Steadfast Continuance

by W.T.P. Wolston

An extract from a letter by the late Dr Wolston at Oslo, 1914

I have been struck of late to see how long the Apostle of the Gentiles stayed in many places he visited. At Antioch he remained “a whole year” (Acts 11:26). At Corinth “he continued a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them” (Acts 18:11); and at Ephesus, as his centre, he was certainly two years and three months (Acts 19:8-10). It is a grave question if servants of the Lord today are not too meteoric in their movements hence the too often evanescent results of labour. We are none of us apostles; but we may well learn from his wise ways how the work of the Lord is best carried on. Such a line of ministry demands faith and patience on the part of the labourers.


Maintenance of the Truth (Scripture Quarterly) 1940-1942

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